What We Do: We offer travelers the chance to compare & save on airport parking for every major airport in the US with multiple parking options & free transportation. Parking options include self-drive, valet, indoor & long term. Average Conversion Rate is A MASSIVE 8.5%!!! Some airport specific pages have much higher figures. This is an excellent opportunity for travel related affiliates. Suitable For Travel Publishers : This program will work well not only with air travel related sites but also general travel and city/region specific sites e.g. Chicago travel agency. Commission structure: A HUGE 20% commission on parking deposit! This commission rate will be reviewable after 12 months. Existing affiliates will be exempt from this offer. Links: We offer publishers a wide choice of banner formats, integrable parking search facility as well as text link options. Dedicated Affiliate Management Agency Advertise Purple : To actively work with publishers to ensure high conversion rates and sales volume. Search policy: At this time we require that publishers do not use our keywords in their pay per click campaigns. SIGN UP TODAY!