BNB Affiliate Program Affiliates, start making money now by promoting a thriving, recession-proof industry with loyal customers who will always come back for more. offers an extensive collection of premium cigars, pipe tobacco, little cigars and much more so that any tobacco user will be able to find what they are looking for and leave satisfied. When you join the BnB Tobacco affiliate program, you will be supplied with a range of banners and text links that you can place within your site. When a user clicks on one of your links to BnB Tobacco, their activity will be tracked by our affiliate network. You will earn 10% commission for every sale you direct through your affiliate links. Affiliate Program Benefitso 10% Commissiono Average Order Size $107o Dedicated affiliate managero Banner ads and graphics at your disposal, more on request!o Exclusive PPC Guide and Keyword List, Make Money Quickly Through PPCo Affiliate promotions and contestso Payment Threshold of $50, Get Your Money Sooner We take great pride in offering you the absolute best customer service, selection, and pricing in the industry. We offer nothing but the highest quality cigars and guarantee 100% satisfaction. Sign up today!