What is the Canvas People Affiliate Program? CanvasPeople.com is the newest and most profitable way to turn your traffic into cash. You earn a commission when someone enters Canvas People through a link on your website and makes a purchase up to 120 days later... We pay our affiliates a generous per sale payout...Conversions are a breeze! Canvas People always has the latest and most exciting canvas offers on the web. The offer is changes twice a month to ensure the offer is always fresh. Be one of the first affiliates to capitalize on the CanvasPeople.com! We have KEYWORD FILES available for PPC Marketing and SEO site building. WE HAVE EMAILS AVAILABLE - REQUEST YOURS TODAY! WE CREATE TARGETED EMAILS FOR EACH HOLIDAY FOR YOU, OUR PARTNERS We have a vested interest in your success and are committed to providing affiliate publishers with everything needed to successfully launch and promote this program. We are available for custom creative, landing pages, and content. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions we always welcome a phone call or email. Sincerely, Your Canvas People Affiliate Team, Morgan and Shane CanvasPeople@jebcommerce.com 1(800)-208-6215x339