JustAnswer ® is the largest paid question-and-answer platform where people get answers from real doctors, lawyers, mechanics, veterinarians and thousands of other verified Experts one-on-one. On the JustAnswer website, customers receive answers to their questions quickly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Become an affiliate of JustAnswer today! JustAnswer is a unique way of helping your readers solve their problems affordably and quickly. Visitors on JustAnswer typically receive over 95% positive user feedback. Our typical sale is $28. JustAnswer Gadget Options:Choose from a variety of gadgets perfect for any site. They come in various sizes and can be customized per category (lawyers, veterinarians, mechanics, etc.).Fixed Virtual Assistant: This embedded gadget delivers an interactive experience and uses a friendly conversational tone to connect your visitors to a verified Expert in your chosen category.Embedded Question Box: This gadget offers a static embedded question box that gives your visitors an easy way to submit a question to an Expert and get redirected to JustAnswer.com.Available in multiple sizes and expert categories.