O.E. Wheels LLC America's Favorite Replica Wheel Distributor O.E. Wheel Distributors, LLC was established in 2001 by James Moore. From the beginning, O.E. Wheels LLC has focused on providing affordable, high quality products, with an emphasis on volume distribution. Throughout the next decade, OE Wheels expanded from reconditioned original equipment manufactured auto parts into after-market replacement and OE Wheels LLC originally designed products. During this time, OE Wheels LLC has been able to establish itself in multiple online markets and sales channels dealing with overseas manufacturers as well as domestic suppliers, while embracing the latest innovations in technology. Our web site offers 3,000 different products with an average order size of $459. New products are added monthly. Ongoing customer promotions include $25 off of wheel sets and $50 off of any wheel and tire package Our program features: Tiered Commission Schedule Datafeed Available Commissions earned on gift certificate purchases Promotional coupon codes Responsive Affiliate Manager OE Wheels LLC offers a tiered commission program that starts at 3%. Commissions grow rapidly with no maximum on your monthly sales. Search Policy: We encourage affiliates to use our keywords in their search engine optimization. However, affiliates may not use our trademark name, our domain name or misspellings or variations of these. Please see our policies within the Program Term. Shipping Area: For this program, our shipping area is currently limited to the United States, Canada and Mexico OE Wheels is also cross-device enabled. We invite you to sign up today!