Psychic Source is a Great Affiliate Partner.We pay $100 for each new customer you send our way! We even track and pay you for conversions over the phone, in addition to the web channel! Your customers will love our psychics. Over 1 million quality psychic readings to North American customers since 1989 Sincere, professional psychic reading services with gifted psychics Exceptional Satisfaction Guarantee If your market matches ours we might be perfect together. Our market is: Women between the ages of 25 & 55 Well-educated professionals who are employed outside of the home People with questions about love, relationships and career We provides you with all the tools you need to successfully promote and track the program across your website. Your customers can choose to purchase psychic readings on our web site or through our 24/7 Call Center. Whether your visitors click on a Psychic Source banner or a text link leading them to our e-commerce site, or purchase time over the telephone, they are tracked through a unique referral number. You choose the banners and text links to display on your web site and in your emails. Embed video clips on you site that include a Welcome Guide, Customer Testimonials andInterviews With Our Top Psychics by going to: