Swarovski CN
By CJ in Category Jewelry

SWAROVSKI AFFILIATE PROGRAM The magical world of Swarovski crystal is constantly evolving, with new products launched regularly throughout the year. Here are some of the benefits of becoming a Swarovski affiliate: •    Superior commissions of up to 8% per sale •    Constantly updating promotions and offers •    Fascinating variety of products •    Frequent product launches and new innovations •    Perfect gift giving ideas •    Customer benefits such as free shipping, free greeting card and gift bag •    Customized creatives/media ads Commissions: All affiliate transactions will be rewarded according to the following commission model*: Discounted items: 4% of item amount Items purchased together with a discount voucher code: 4% of item amount All other items: 8% of transaction amount Media partners 4% on all categories *Some affiliate business models underlie a different commission structure. Please contact the Swarovski Affiliate Team for more information. Exclusive Commission Segments: Affiliates who are integrated under exclusive commission segments are excluded from all other regular commission models, tiered bonuses and any affiliate contests. For the calculation of your advertising commission, the only revenues of Swarovski that count are those revenues resulting from sales of Swarovski products to customers that selected our website immediately prior to the purchase via Links on your website (last cookie wins). Please be aware that Gift Cards, both in post and email formats will not be eligible for a commission. Sales validation: Validation of sales usually takes 6-8 weeks. Cookie lifetime: •    30 days post click •    3 days post view Keyword advertising rules: •    The use of the trademarks "Swarovski", "Swarovski Shop", "Swarovski Online Shop" in Display URL, Click URL or as Keywords are not allowed. •    Use of typo or other brand related domains is forbidden. •    Use of misleading texts is forbidden. •    Use of brands or trademarks of competitors in the ad text or as keywords is forbidden. * Content usage Guidelines for affiliate partners. •    The takeover of texts and images from Swarovski.com is possible and encouraged for Swarovski affiliate partners, if: •    The source is clearly marked as "Source: www.swarovski.com" and hyperlinked to http://www.swarovski.com •    The affiliate partner is not allowed to claim ownership or editorship of the content •    The images and texts are used "as is" without alterations, and marked with: "(c) Swarovski". For more information, please refer to: http://docs.nonstoppartner.net/docs/swarovski/swarovski_cn.pdf Best Regards, Swarovski Affiliate Team +49 (0)89 99 52 94 0 swarovski.cn.cj@partnermail.info    

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