Why MailChimp Sucks.

Last Update: May 11, 2012
Email marketing is an important aspect of Internet Marketing as a whole, and like everyone here who is building an authority site I have a list (a very small one) which I am trying to build.

Using an Autoresponder is vital in this situation, as it allows you to schedule and auto post emails over a length of time, and when a new person joins your list, it send them all to them, one at a time, invaluable!

So of course when I started out, I had zero cash to outlay on an autoresponder, as it simply wasnt worth my money when I had 3 people on the list and 2 of those were me testing the list...

So I used MailChimp, its free for up to 2000 list members, though without the auto responder feature, which is a bit sucky, but at least helped me start my list.

Or so I thought...

I am now ready to start using the auto responder feature to send out useful emails to my followers over at www.apinapress.com. So I looked into the prices and the terms and conditions a bit more closely at MailChimp and also Aweber.

I was really surprised.

Mailchimp is generally slightly cheaper than Aweber, but and this is a big but, the terms and conditions over at MailChimp state:

No offense intended, but because we must ensure the highest delivery rates possible for all our customers, we do not allow businesses that offer these types of services, products, or content:
  • Illegal goods or services
  • Escort and dating services
  • Pharmaceutical products
  • Work from home, Internet Lead-gen, Make money on online opportunities, etc.
  • Online trading, day trading tips, or stock market related content
  • Gambling services, products or gambling education
  • Multi-level marketing
  • Affiliate marketers
  • Credit repair, get-out-of-debt content
  • Mortgages and/or Loans
  • Nutritional Supplements, Herbal Supplements or Vitamin Supplements
  • Pornography or nudity in content
  • Adult novelty items or references in content
  • List brokers or List rental services
  • Marketing or sending commercial email without proper permission

Whilst some are valid, the ones I'm worried about are:
  • Work from home, Internet Lead-gen, Make money on online opportunities, etc.
  • Affiliate marketers

So, putting it politely, THAT SUCKS!

After doing some more searches, it is noted that MailChimp has and will ban accounts that break its TOS (understandable) but you can and often will not be able to get your list...

I cannot risk that.

No sane marketer should risk that.

I checked Awebers Terms (which are quite limited in length) and they make no mention of not being allowed to market, their key concern is that you don't SPAM. Which is cool, I won't be spamming.

So now what am I going to do?

Well I am going to use Aweber, this will mean a few issues for me, I will have to change some of the code on my site, but more importantly I will have to transfer my list over. This will mean that everyone on the list will have to re-sign up, which inevitably means that they will not all re-sign up.

Unfortunate, but necessary, I am just glad my list is still relatively small.
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Stacydee Premium
Thanks for the info, very helpful. I'll be moving from mailchimp from sure.
kyle Premium
I do recommend you consider aweber, they have recently updated their interface which is conducive to some awesome looking HTML emails. I would consider them before any other service out there.
Stacydee Premium
I'm sure I'll end up with Aweber again soon, I was a customer of theirs a long time ago (but didn't know what I was doing), I know a lot more now and will definitely go back.
Apina, you can giveaway something to the your list and encourage them to re-sign up as a part of site modification. I think, it makes sense.Thanks.
jchilders Premium
This^^^ One list I was on went through a 'consolidation' phase. He said he was combining several related lists or whatever and offered a free report (I forget exactly what it was) to re-sign under the new list name.
Apina Premium
That is a great idea Sourabh. Now I just need to think of something :D
kyle Premium
Exactly Dean! No sane marketer should work hard to get a lead only to find out that the service that is managing their leads is preventing them from succeeding!

If you are going to manage email properly, get your hands on a quality autoresponder service like that of Aweber. Although there are some drawbacks with it as well, it is about the best in the field when it comes to email management. They also have a new editor for your messages that allows you to beautify your email content.
Apina Premium
I'm looking forward to the move. I fully understand why I and many others chose to go with Mailchimp, its free for the first 2000 users! That is mighty tempting to a new marketer with little or no spare cash to throw at a service which will take weeks or months to become useful to you. In the long run though it will simply cause issues and problems like it has to me now.
kyle Premium
You can import your old leads into Aweber as well, so they are not lost. I would import them when you get your aweber account so you can still benefit from this list. :)
muskyblood Premium
I had bad experience with MailChimp as well. I would NEVER recommend them to anyone.
jchilders Premium
That DOES suck! But at least you found it relatively early in the process and before you unknowingly broke their TOS and lost your list completely. Since almost every IM related list I am on uses Aweber, I would guess they are perfectly fine with affiliate marketing emails.

As far as the cost, if your list generates any sales then it should pay for itself pretty quickly.
Apina Premium
I would hope so, but I know my list is going to be a lot more informative than sales, but in time. I have at least some funds put aside for it, though neither Mailchimp or Aweber will let you use Paypal...