4 Components for Getting Your Emails Opened And Read
Last Update: September 21, 2009
Learn 4 Components for Getting Your Emails Opened And Read
The first rule to "getting your emails opened and read" is very important.
Component #1 of how to write an effective email...
Subject line rule # 1 is hint, don't tell.
Subject line rule #2 is use 2-6 words and no more than that.
Subject line rule #3 is don't use punctuation such as ! or ... in you subject.
Subject line rule # 4 is don't use caps.
The purpose for these subject line rules is to make your email look more personal, compared to all the business emails. A good tip in coming up with a subject line is to write the actual email first and then scan your email and pull your subject line from one of the email lines from it that will capture someones curiosity. Remember, it should only be a hint. If the person reads the subject line and they already know what it's about, there is a very good chance they will make a decision before they even open the email and therefore your email will never even get read.
Component #2 of how to write an effective email...
#1 Personalize your email salutation with your readers first name like this {first name}.
It you have an autoresponder, it will walk you through how to do this.
#2 Don't use the word Dear in your salutation. It has been used so many times by business sending out emails, that it may not even make it to the inbox. It may end up in the spam folder.
# 3 It also does not sound very personal. It sounds too formal. You want your reader to feel like your being personal with them.
Component #3 of how to write an effective email...
#1 This will be the first paragraph in your email. The purpose of the the first paragraph is to "hook" your reader.
It's very important not to tell the reader too much or make them feel pressured because you just want them to be curious enough to read the rest of the email, so this part of the email should be fun.
#2 The length of your paragraph should be short. Don't make the reader feel like they will have to "work" to read you email. Even though you may be offering something of value, they may never know it because they are busy and don't want to have to stop everything they are doing to read your email. If it is short and fun to read and makes them curious, they will read to the next paragraph and then to the next until they finally click your link to the sales page.
#3 The paragraph lines should be no longer that 1-3 lines and each line shoul be no lnger that 20-50 characters long.
#4 If you go to 4 lines, it's ok, but try not to do it too often.
#5 It's ok to put ... and it can even help because the eye will naturally tend to keep reading to the next paragraph, unlike a period at the end. A period at the end of a paragraph will tend to make the reader stop reading at the end of that paragraph and the .... flows into the next paragraph....
Component #4
#1 Hint at your offer. You are not trying to sell them anything here, but it'a a hint in why someone might be interested in your offer.
#2 Keep it brief. Only 1-3 paragraphs.
#3 If it'a a teleseminar, you might want to refer to when it's happening. example: if you havn't registered for tonights call....
#4 Try to write a hint at an offer rather than an offer, especially if the these are the first broadcast emails.
#5 The point is to try to make them curious enough to go to your sales page and not "spill" the beans in your email.
#6 It's important that when they click on a link that they have been prepared enough by the hints about what they are going to read about that it's relevent to the email and they will keep reading to find out about the product you are offering.
I hope this has been a helpful and informative read for you. Please leave any questions or comments you have. Thanks for reading.
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