Article Marketing: I'm Original, Why aren't You?

Last Update: February 03, 2011

 If you are to lazy to write your own article, why are you trying to utilize article marketing? Why are you taking the content that someone else has  tirelessly worked on and stuck it in an article spinner that, besides producing near gibberish, is an insult to the reader's intelligence? These articles are obviously tortured renditions of someone else's work. The people who use these essay manglers  do not even go to the effort of personally editing the slashed version of the commentary so it is something readable. The people that spend the extra time to produce work that is fresh and doesn't read like a rubber stamp wind up ranking below these slaughtered renditions. Keep the keywords, shred the work, strip the links and earn money while you sleep. I hate these guys. I'm original, why aren't you?

Why The Title And First Paragraph Is So Important

Contrary to what most of us think, the title and first paragraph are gifts to the website owner who is not even going to the trouble to spin the article. These robbers take your title and first paragraph, the one you spent twenty minutes scratching your head over because you wanted to grab the readers attention, and put it unedited into the top part of their blog. At the end of your highly effective opening paragraph there is an invitation to click for more. This takes the reader to an unrelated page selling viagra or illegal firearms. The only solace for the writer is knowing that the opening discourse was good enough for someone else to steal and use to try and capture a customer. By the time the reader finds your original work they are afraid to open it.

Let's Not And Say We Did!

Finally, I have to give a big hand to those running a website that take the article you spent the extra effort on and print it complete on their page and sign their name to it. This is truly a fine thing as it makes my blood boil and I am reduced to simple rage. This makes it possible for me to replace my aging laptop after I throw it through the living room window. I'm original why aren't you? The people who do this are advanced users and know how to use the copy and paste feature on their computer. Most of us are in awe of this incredible ability and hate them for it. From all the writers who have contributed to your success: "Grow golf ball size boils and itch..."

Maybe They Just Don't Understand.

This is the most charitable view on this issue I can take. It could be that these people don't know stealing and mangling are things that people are not supposed to do. O.K. Now I'm done being charitable. If your article is not public domain then you have some recourse. Google takes a dim view of plagiarized material and provides the means of filing a claim under the digital millennium copyright laws. The process and terms for filing can be viewed at <a href=""</a>. Chilling effects gives detailed directions on how to contest and have your duplicated content removed. The URL is <a href=""</a>. This is great resource for researching what your rights are and how to take affirmative action. Most of us are not going to spend our time chasing down the people who insist on misusing content without crediting the author or links. Most of these websites are so poorly assembled the average user will take a quick look, wonder what country the site is from and leave "post haste." However sometimes throwing your laptop through the living room window will not give you satisfaction and you may wish to pursue the issue through the above options.

The People Who Use Content And Do It Right.

Using relevant content on your site from another source adds credibility and can be a real complement to your page if you follow some simple rules. Always credit the source, the author and use the article in its entirety. Leave all links in place. Maintaining the character of the article shows professional courtesy and inspires trust to those visiting your website. The writers who contribute this information are delighted to have earned the privilege of your representation and are satisfied that they are not being misrepresented. Article Marketing is a challenging proposition and fortunately there are still more good guys than bad to make it all worth while.

Art Kimbro   1/25/2011




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reid1 Premium
Originality reigns supreme! The lazy writers will eventually disappear when they realize that you have to have a passion for this. Don't worry Art--you're built to last.
onefineham Premium
Check out my recent WA blog post on Crushing Plagarism. It has a couple of tips on how to nail content stealers.
jatdebeaune Premium
You hit a nerve with this one. I have found many examples of what you describe here . They take your title as is, then scramble the first paragraph, and get ranked along side you. When you try to contact them, either the contact button doesn't work, or there's no contact at all. I'm very tired of it too. I have one site that has used my site's trademarked name in conjunction with their site in order to cash in on my traffic. I wrote them months ago. Said they would remove it and still haven't done anything. Their big concern was that I would demand sharing their profits since they used my name to promote their product. I don't want to spend time as an Internet cop, but can't just ignore it. I think it's part of your business to protect your rights and territory. Thanks for the resource.
Funny Girl Premium
Lol! I think that is the funniest thing I've read in ages - especially the golf ball bit! Point very well made, I think! Btw, I notice you put your name and date at the end of the post, is that to protect it under copyright? Had not thought of doing that, another good point!
Have a great day!
Shell :)
Labman_1 Premium
Thanks for that Art. I fully agree. I've spent some time chasing down the bad actors and find that many of them are autoblogs and don't even know your stuff is there. They are more than willing to take down your stuff if you make an issue. Haven't had to go to Google yet but thanks for providing the link.