Seven weeks and just arriving

Last Update: July 15, 2010

   Seven weeks ago I was browsing the internet and happened accross an advetisment for the  wealthy affiliate program.   Always curios about internet marketing and visions of untold wealth prompted me to buy what I imagined would be a one month study.   Seven weeks ago...

   Today I have read enough material and followed enough links that my poor Idaho head is so fulll of new information that it  may explode at any time.   Today it occurs to me that what  started as more of  a lark than a serious endeaver seems to be comsuming more and more of my time and thoughts.   I have learned many  things that I did not know.   I can not yet begin to utilize the information.   I am surprised at how much is involved in the internet marketing business and also the challenge and reward associated with it.   

   This is my first web log and while it seems probably natural for most of you,  it is a big first step for me.   With out presence in this complicated world we can not produce change or cause any impact.  This comes to me from reading through so many  WA blog posts and forum discussions.  I have read so many and appreciate the content and thought goes into all of them.  I have a reall appreciation for the sense of community that this program offers.  Many of you have successful marketing stories,  by this I mean,  success in how you have learned to overcome the obstacles both personal and real,  then acheiving a higher level of sucess not just as marketers but people as well.

   Seven weeks ago I started this program.  Today I will begin implementing it.  I will stumble and fall  gracelessly.  I will make error after error.  I will learn.  Not only will I learn but I will find some measure of success.

    Most of the tools and resources here seem really amazing.   I have very few computer skills that approach the amount of technical need in this form of marketing.  They offer the difference in this incredibly demanding learning experience of acheiving some measure of marketing application.

   I hope all will continue to find success within this community and thank all of you who unknowingly have gifted so much much to my personal quest for enrichment. 

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Fallulah Premium
Burntout Hi! I nipped over to your space after replying to your comment on my blog - I really appreciate it. I think you've hit the nail on the head when you suggest real IM success involves a lot of personal development to overcome the very real obstacles we march right into :) Perhaps it's one of the reasons I love IM as much as it challenges me - the power for personal healing in this arena is undeniable and that really is what much of my life's work is about. Great post.
jatdebeaune Premium
Know just how you feel, burntout. There is so much to learn. I see it as learning another language. A teacher once told me that learning a new language is like becoming 2 people, or 3 or however many languages you learn. This education will definitely give you a chance to make changes for the better and make money too.