Finding Your Own Voice in Your Own Blog

Last Update: August 12, 2013

Duke didn’t realize that he was on a journey when he started his blog. Neither did I, all those many years ago.

A blog, especially a personal blog, is a journey to find your voice, as well as to find yourself.

I may tease people when I ask them if they’ve taken a look at their blog categorieslately. They’ll look at me and ask, “I don’t know what to blog about.” I tell them to look at their categories and see what they’ve been blogging about the most, and blog that.

Blog your passion. You probably already are. It’s that simple.

It’s also that hard.

Blogging is a commitment. When you aren’t blogging for bucks, it’s also a discipline. You have to feed your blog. If you keep feeding it, it’s amazing what you learn about yourself, isn’t it?

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