hi how r u?

Last Update: October 29, 2018

Hi WA Friends,

So I finally finished Level 3 of the Online Certification training. After flying through Levels 1 & 2 I found this to be much more difficult. I think my biggest problem right now is time, finding the time to devote to the training and regularly write content for my site is a real challenge. If only I could put the day job on hold for 6-12 months as it tends to get in the way quite a lot. How inconvenient.

Anyhow, Level 3 is done, well almost. I feel that I've kind of cheated. I didn't complete the Google Adsense part even though I claimed that I had. The problem being that Google Adsense didn't accept my application which is pretty frustrating as it is impossible to follow the steps laid out by Kyle when you don't have an account. I know I have read similar stories here on WA of people's frustration with Adsense and people being rejected more than once.

So I decided that in order to continue with expanding my knowledge I will continue the training and worry about Google Adsense later. I'm not prepared to wait.

I assume I'm not alone with this plan of attack. Appreciate any comments, feedback, advice.

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Minakshis Premium
Great details.