How To Find Niche Ideas

Last Update: June 30, 2016

Hey Y'all

I have had the opportunity to brainstorm with several new members about their niche ideas In the last few days. As we all know that is a tough decision to make when you first arrive.

I am not going to try to re-invent the wheel here. There are several great tutorials on the subject.

Kyle's tutorial in the Certification Course

Robert/Bomergpo8's tutorial right on point as alwas.

Jay's webinar one of many listed in Live Video Classes

Marcus just did a excellent complete niche study. This is the first part you can find the rest on his profile page.

What I would like to share with you today are some excellent places to find niche ideas that aren't mentioned much in the tutorials and training available. Not only are these sources good for niche ideas they are also great ways to find ideas for new content on existing sites.

We all know Amazon's best sellers page but they also have a wish list and hot new releases page. This will help keep us current.

To have a profitable site we are going to have to provide a service. Answer a need or question. Offer a value some how. We need to give before we can receive. Which means we need to know what our audience is searching for.

I talked with several younger members that want to provide video game information. I had to do a bit of research on this one to find an authoritative site for this niche.

IGN is the go to site for gamers. They have active forums and several other smaller sisters sites tied to the main one. There are ideas galore for this niche.

Barnes and Noble is a great source for niche ideas as well as content ideas. Pick a category from the nonfiction book list and check out the most popular and best selling lists for 100's of ideas.

If you plan to provide your audience with health related issues here are some sites you should check out. All of these authoritative sites offer a wealth of information forniche and content ideas.

There are topics from A-Z plus forums and the latest trends in health care including weight loss.

This site is geared towards women's needs but it has an amazing amount of information on just about any subject you can dream of. There must be a 1000 if not more niche ideas listed here. If you already have a site up and running this is a must see for content ideas. Their site map is 4 columns wide and runs past the fold. From children's books to wicca if you can think it they probably have it in ink.

Have you ever had a problem so embarrassing you wouldn't even talk to your best friend about, not even your Doctor? Well that leaves searching the net. Niche ideas for days.

Providing information is always a great way to add value to a site here are a few that will provide many ideas.

We all have heard of the for dummies books. There is wide range of topics that each have subtopics to narrow down your niche ideas and also supply some excellentcontent ideas. If these books didn't sell they wouldn't be there.

Just about any subject in here would make a great niche.

About has more ideas than you could research in a week. I wouldn't recommend this for niche ideas unless you have one in mind and want to narrow it down. It is however an excellent source for content ideas. This link is to the site map which will make your head spin.

If you are planning a travel related niche this is the place to go for niche and content ideas. Not only is it full of information it also has a forum where you can learn the concerns of your audience.

As Kyle advises in the training don't get stuck on a niche idea. You really won't know how it fits until you start creating content for it on a daily basis. Pick a niche and take that first step on the road to success.

When you do take that first step, go all in. Bring it!, hit it out of the park!, kill it !, nail it! rock it!. How ever you want to phrase it give it all you have got.

There will be potholes on your road to success without a doubt. With the training provided and the support of this amazing community you are now a part of there is not a doubt in my mind each of you will succeed.

Most of all HAVE FUN!

Until next time,

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