I Need Help Finding a Toothbrush? Serious?

Last Update: December 18, 2015

I have made a few revelations lately, one being that (a) I spend almost my entire waking life connected to the Internet in one way or another (b) I research some of the most unbelievable things before buying them.

Conventional wisdom used to tell them that I could trust my “gut” when making purchases, especially for purchases that are somewhat non trivial. Things like toothbrushes, hair products, even diapers for our little girl.

But the Internet has changed me.

We Are Living in an Information “Abundant” World

The access to an abundance of information has changed the course of my conventional purchases changing them into something far more complex than they should be.

I spend time researching toothbrushes apparently, that is what I was doing the other day before I slapped myself in the back of the head (and then continued on to finish my research).

That is the reality of where we stand today though. We research more than ever online and as a result, we end up buying more than ever online.

The typical mindset these days before making pretty much any purchase, assuming you want the “best” option, is to go online and research something before you buy it. This ranges from toothbrushes to cars. Every product imaginable. Every service imaginable. Every local business imaginable.

This got me thinking. What does the “toothbrush” niche look like and I headed over to Jaaxy.com in combination with the Alphabet Soup Technique to do a little research and see what sort of opportunity there is.

My Research Breakdown Within the Toothbrush Niche

The first thing I did was get a broad idea of the types of things people were looking for in the toothbrush vertical. My initial Alphabet Soup search indicated that people are looking for toothbrushes for babies, holders and sanitizers at the highest rate.

Two of these I would have never thought of, having a little one though I know that choosing a toothbrush for a baby can be a big decision (believe it or not).

So right there I have a 3 awesome ideas.

The next thing I did was precede my keyword with "best" to see what people are looking for. I know my search was "best toothbrush for sensitive teeth" because people that tend to search for "best", "compare", "review", etc type keywords are looking to find the product that is best suited for them and are very close to making a purchase.

Here were the results:

Four more excellent ideas!

Then for fun I decided to emulate my search, so I typed in "best toothbrush for s" and here were some more results.

More awesome ideas.

Then I Made My Way Over to Jaaxy for Some More Research....

I am not going to bore you with my research, but basically what I did was plug in all of these search terms into Jaaxy.com to see if I could come up with some low competition, high potential keywords.

Keywords that...

(1) Make sense
(2) That have under 200 Competition (QSR)
(3) That get "some" traffic (usually look for over 50 searches per month)

I then saved all of these keywords to a keyword list. Here is some of the list that I came up with that fit this criteria (I was able to find 178 keywords that fit my quality criteria).

I have literally spent a few minutes and a few searches in Google and Jaaxy.com and I have uncovered an entire niche, toothbrushes. As crazy as it sounds, this niche is massive.

Everyone needs a toothbrush and many throughout the course of a year, and as more and more people become used to researching absolutely everything in their lives (like myself), these opportunities will only grow in size.

The idea of the opportunity that resides out there still gives me butterflies to this day, in particular when I dig into the research process of any niche and realize the 100,000's of directions we can move as affiliates and carve out our own LUCRATIVE space within the greater Internet.

The Opportunity for Being a “Specialist” is Growing Exponentially.

If I told you that YOU had the opportunity to intercept and help these folks and generate an income as a result of our crazy addiction to “researching” stuff online, would you be interested?

Well that is exactly what we are teaching you here.

This is a component of absolutely every niche that you are involved in. There are so many things that people research within any given niche before they buy it, and as the ecommerce world continues to explode and gain more and more trust, people will lean towards buying their products/services online.

People are searching for billions of things every day. We can absolutely capitalize on this and of course, many folks here at WA have come to realize this and have very successful businesses online (with MANY more being created as we speak).

100’s of millions of products, businesses, and services...

Obviously before I purchase a vehicle I would be spending hours upon hours of research online, looking for information.

But I think I surprised myself when I decided to go online to find out more information about toothbrushes and it felt oh so natural (which is the strange part). Searching for things before we buy them has become second nature and of course, searching for help with a problem or a solution to a problem has been something that we all have been doing for years.

The average person performs MANY searches every day, at the low end it is 5 searches average and on the high end it is 100's of searches (like me). This is nothing but opportunity.

Every search represents opportunity. Every search represents a potential customer. There is no longer "obscurity" online, obscurity had literally become opportunity. Me searching for a "toothbrush" online is indicative of this.

This is for real folks. This should get you excited, I sure as heck know has reaffirmed my excitement (once again) of this opportunity we call the "Internet".

PS. Would love to hear stories about recent searches that you have done that may have surprised you (or products/services that you have researched online). It can be really interesting to check out our past search history to see how actively we are engaging in keyword research.

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kyle Premium Featured Comment
This is Would love to hear stories about recent searches that you have done that may have surprised you (or products/services that you have researched online). It can be really interesting to check
kyle Premium Featured Comment
dfsdf dsfdsfdsfsdf?
kyle Premium