May 14th System Update!

Last Update: May 14, 2012
Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to quickly blog about a few changes that have been added to the system today that will impact how you use Wealthy Affiliate!

1 - Like My Blog post - the much requested ability to LIKE a blog post has been added. Likes on blog posts will help with our internal rankings and give your blog posts more exposure in the system.


2 - New Actions Menu - there is a new actions menu that allows for YOUR input on a training resource, or blog post. Help keep the WA system spam free by reporting any blog posts, training, or chat comments that are spam. You can also quickly CREATE new training, edit or delete blog posts if you are the owner.

3 - New training list - on the Training dashboard there is now a list of the latest training on the right hand side. This will help you find the most up to date training much easier.

4 - 21 other improvements that you cannot see - there were also a number of system updates made that you cannot see. These are being put in place for some exciting updates that will be added in the coming days and weeks here at WA. Stay tuned!!!

Feedback or suggestions for system improvements are welcome :)


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Incognito Premium
Video embeds for blog posts? It use to be a feature and seems to have been removed...
CSmith1 Premium
Thanks for the updates.
I'd also like to see the embed video option come back, and if it's been removed due to security reasons of something then can't you just setup something so members can only insert video ID.
Carson Premium
Incognito Premium
Sounds great. Thanks Carson!

Definitely worth bringing back video considering it being so popular online + it allows us to make our content even more engaging - which is one of the topics that is always discussed within WA :)
Carson Premium
mhamilt Premium
Looks like some good improvements. However it would be fantastic if that search bar could actually search blog posts as well as the training. It seems pointless to add tags to a blog post if you can't actually search for them. It's great to see WA getting some really regular updates. Mark.
Carson Premium
mhamilt Premium
Awesome! I look forward to it. You haven't considered putting the search bar in the floating header have you? I think that would be a great boost to the site's user friendliness - I often am getting buried in comments and would love an easy way out! Mark.
fishing Premium
IN the past we were able to save the training modules or what ever to a certain page to access at any time without relooking it up I found that quite handy was for me like a course outline I would look up the training modules that I wanted to take in and put them in my saved folder....just a thought...or I guess it was bookmarked at the bottom of the page left side in the past....many things I would like to save at times maybe some kinda of folder system....just thinking outloud...
jaymekl Premium
I am new here and didn't experience that system, but I have found that sometimes can't find the training that I was in the middle yes I like fishing's comments. I really like the training listed on the side (altho it is occasionally a rabbit hole I go down).
Carson Premium