More people helping, more people with Ambassador status!

Last Update: August 11, 2016

Today is an exciting day and a milestone here at Wealthy Affiliate. For the first time since we released the Ambassadorship program nearly two years ago, we've increased the number of ambassadors from 12 to 25. We're so thrilled to invite into the ranks 13 of the most helpful folks here within the community.

What? 25 Ambassadors?

The simple answer is that there is an abundance of helpful people within the community that are frequently reaching out to others, lending a hand, and truly paying-it-forward. Wealthy Affiliate is by far the most helpful community in the world for folks who want to build online businesses and build their online presences with a website. The number of interactions between members on a daily basis is in the tens of thousands - levels that are growing every week.

There is more help available, the quality of help is constantly improving, the time it takes to get an awesome answer to a question is literally minutes, and our pay-it-forward mentality is truly pushing the boundaries of any community we've seen anywhere online.

Today we have extended the number of Ambassadors in the system to 25, but this by no means that these folks are just becoming true ambassadors of the community. They have been ambassadors for a long time and now we've just helped to show this by extending this top level ranking.

Top 50 / 100 / 200

We have also just added 3 new labels that will follow the top 200 most active and helpful members in WA around in the community. You will notice posts, questions, and comments from folks that have a "Top 50/100/200" label associated with their activity. This showcases folks who are the top 200 most helpful people within WA!

We're really excited about this update because the folks who are the most helpful in the community now have a label that will showcase this along side their activity. Well done to everyone in the top 200!

As of tomorrow when the Ranks get updated we will be displaying all 200 members on the WA Ranks page here, along with updated "Days as Ambassador" counts:

==> Check out the WA Ranks

Major Developments Coming this Fall

We're so excited to tell you about the Ambassador updates that have been released today, but that's not all I wanted to discuss.

We have much more slated for this fall season that is nearly upon us :)

We are always working on "secret" stuff in the background at WA because we too have goals that we are constantly working towards. Kyle and I have the goal of helping everyone achieve success online, and to do this we strive to be the best that we can be.

We strive to offer:

The BEST training
BEST website platform
The BEST help
The BEST tools
The BEST...well everything!

This fall we have some major updates coming that we think you are going to absolutely love. We will be releasing platforms that do not exist anywhere in the world and they will be available right here within the Wealthy Affiliate community for everyone to enjoy and benefit from.

We aren't stopping in 2014 either - we're already working on big projects for 2015 that are going to take the WA community to a whole new level...we simply cannot wait to showcase what we've been working on and get these things into your hands.

So, again I would like to offer congratulations to everyone who now has a Top 50, 100, or 200 label associated with their WA profiles and the 25 Ambassadors of the community. You are awesome! Wealthy Affiliate members are the most trained and most successful affiliates in the world. As a community we are raising the bar every day that passes and reaching toward new heights, and pushing the envelope, and leaden the industry.

It's an exciting time to be in the online world and we couldn't be happier to be here with you. I hope to hear from you in the comments below :)

Have a great day!


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