New Year Resolution

Last Update: February 07, 2017

Happy New Year folks! We have stepped into 2017, the year of the Rooster and an awesome year slated for members of WA.

I just want to spend a minute talking about “resolutions” and how they simply don’t work. If you are one to make New Year’s Resolution, I want you to make this year’s resolution to NEVER MAKE ANOTHER ONE AGAIN.

To understand why I am saying this with such conviction, I want to explain why resolutions don’t work and the people that set resolutions are naturally carrying forward bad habits and procrastinating actual progress in their lives.

Resolutioners are Procrastinators

I have communicated with an abundance of people in the past few months that stated that they were “going to wait until the new year to start a business”.

Outside of the date and the fact that the date now reads “2017”, there would have been absolutely no difference between starting that very day with their business and starting now...other than the fact that these folks are now 2 months behind in terms of the progress they could have achieved.

They will likely be motivated for a few weeks or even a month and then seek out another reason as to why they cannot continue.

The same is something that I commonly see with dieting. “I will start my diet after Christmas and the New Year”. Meanwhile, these folks have gained weight and lost 2 months of progress in their potential health.

If you have been an active gym goer, you will know full well there is an influx of people every January and the first few weeks of February at the gym (it can get crazy busy) and then there is a sudden drop off of the “resolutioners” as they have lost motivation. Maybe next year?

Those that actively work out and exercise through the year remain. The regulars so to speak.

Resolutions Never Work

On average, 8% of New Year’s Resolutions get “achieved” by the over 40% of people that partake in creating New Year’s Resolutions.

Yes, 8 people out of every 100 accomplish their goals. Whether this is to start a business, lose 10lbs, get more organized or to be a nicer person in the year ahead.

Failure rates are incredibly high, but why?

The reason once again pops up. Those same people making resolutions are those that are waiting until a specific date to start before they take action. Many people have likely waited “months” with their resolution idea.

Procrastination breeds more procrastination. It is a habit, just like working hard on your business is a habit. Just like exercising regularly or eating healthy is a habit. Just like staying organized is a habit. Having a clean house is a habit.

Conversely, being lazy and being unhealthy are habits. Being messy and disorganized is a habit. Having a messy house is a habit. And these negative habits all stem from one thing, the very thing that a “resolution” promotes. Procrastination.

Don’t Wait For Tomorrow for Anything

What better time is there to start something than now. If you continue to push things off until “tomorrow” it isn’t long before another year has passed.

Tomorrow doesn’t lead to action, it doesn’t lead to results, and it absolutely doesn’t lead to any form of success.

If you get anything out of this post I want it to be the fact that if you want to achieve anything at all, the best time to start working towards this achievement is right now. Don’t wait until XYZ, or there will always be a new XYZ.

Wishing everyone a very successful and fruitful 2017 ahead. We have some amazing projects that we have been quietly working on in the last year that you are going to see show face in 2017. We are absolutely looking forward to the year ahead!

Now I am off to go take some action on my weekly tasks….

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