test blog 13

Last Update: December 28, 2012
First off, we are glad to have you as part of Wealthy Affiliate! It is great to have you as part of the community and we look forward to helping you succeed online!

Welcome again to the WA 30-Day "Building an Online Business" Club. Today is the first day and we are going to start off with getting a niche and then getting a website geared towards that niche.

*************IMPORTANT NOTE *************

Before we get started, we need to explain one thing. Everyone works at a different pace. If you fall behind, that is OK. The upcoming 30 Day Success Club is not necessarily going to be completed in exactly 30 days.

You ARE NOT going to be negatively impacted if you fall slightly behind. If you can keep up with the task, that is wonderful...many people do. However, you can work at your own pace. You will have them in your email inbox forever, just make sure you don't delete them!

Do your best...it is a pretty aggressive schedule and we do understand that you all have a life outside of this as well!


First things first though, YOUR NICHE. This should be something that you are interested in or something you are passionate about. This could be a hobby or could be something that you have always wanted to learn about.

Regardless of what you choose now, it can also be changed in the future. Your first niche typically won't be your last as most experienced marketers have "dabbled" in many niches and topics.
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