Test Vlog 2.2

Last Update: October 19, 2022

The community here is full of amazing people, with a lot of expertise. I know you are going to quickly realize that. In fact, you are going to be able to tap into this knowledge and expertise at any point as you move forward in the training.</p><p dir=\"ltr\">I assure you that you have definitely made the right choice in joining the community here at Wealthy Affiliate, you are going to love it here and you are going to quickly realize we care about YOU and your success online!</p><p dir=\"ltr\">In the coming days and weeks we are going to be showing you how online success works and we will help you realize your own potential within the Internet space to earn revenue and leverage the internet to grow a business.</p><p dir=\"ltr\">We’ve all heard the old saying that &ldquo;less is more&rdquo; and at Wealthy Affiliate we absolutely believe in this when it comes to processes that lead to success.</p><p dir=\"ltr\">From a technical standpoint, removing steps, making it easier to navigate and find the things that you regularly need, simplification of training and removing potential road bumps for those just getting started is critical. And when it comes to mindset - it can seem daunting when you are getting started and see 25+ tasks in your immediate path to getting started.Today we&rsquo;re talking about simplification and the removal of tasks in our Getting Started training, and shortening the overall length of the initial level of training for Starter members. We have just made changes to our Core training to get people creating more success, faster, and in a way that allows them to have the help and support when they need it most.

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