The Art of the Story

Last Update: August 12, 2013

There are all kinds of blogs, and many definitions for the different types of blogs. The definition for me of a personal blog is one that tells a story, a personal story. It doesn’t matter how the story is told, by words, pictures, video, cartoons, artwork, audio, or combination of all of them. Storytelling defines a personal blog as personal.

A personal blog helps the blogger tell their story, be it the story of their life or of a moment in time. It can be a rant about how X company pissed them off, or how they figured out how to successfully plant a rose bush this year. It can be a collection of random gossip about fellow students or co-workers, or an insightful collection of essays on food and cooking. It can be about a hobby, about school, work, raising children, being a parent, parenting parents, raising grandchildren, or sharing expertise on any subject – as long as it is about the personal experience.

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