The Black Friday Lowdown.

Last Update: November 29, 2018

Alright, we are less than 3 days away from the Black Friday offer dropping. I just wanted to spend a few moments talking not only about the Black Friday event, but the year ahead and what that is shaping up to look like (here at WA, and online generally speaking).

The first thing I want to discuss is not the offer coming up, but rather what the year ahead is looking like. I can personally tell you that being part of the community here at Wealthy Affiliate, that 2019 is going to be a brilliant one. I really want to spend some time giving you insight as to why though, and discuss the outlook of the affiliate marketing and online business landscape in the year ahead.

2019, Another Year of Growth Online

As has happened for every year since I have been online, 2019 is going to be another year of growth for affiliate marketing, online usage, and online spending.

Every single year since the inception of the Internet it has grown. Let that sink in. Back when Carson and I started out online in 2002, there were 558 million Internet users. That may sound like a lot, but compared to 2018 it was a mere fraction. There are currently over 4 BILLION Internet users (view live stats here).

The funny thing is that back in 2002 I couldn't fathom how big the opportunity was, even at that time. It felt as though the Internet was rife with opportunity, a massive audience, and ultimately a plethora of ways to earn a full time income. And it was. Fast forward 16 years and the opportunity is EIGHT times as big, and growing daily.

The affiliate marketing industry has grown just as quick. The anticipated growth in the affiliate marketing industry is double digits once again, and by 2020 it is going to be close to a $7 billion marketplace.

Affiliate Marketing Growth Chart

Number of companies adopting affiliate marketing as their "core" online marketing strategy continues to rapidly grow. If you look around, you see the top affiliate networks (like Awin) and the top independent affiliate programs like (Amazon) thriving as a result of their focus on affiliates and the importance of affiliates to a successful online business.

This all means more opportunity for YOU. More internet users, more people spending money online (and with more frequency) and more products/services to promote equate to more opportunity.

There has been no better time to get involved in affiliate marketing and we couldn't be more pumped for 2019. This alone is exciting, but we have WAY more to look forward to in the upcoming year ahead.

The Evolving Wealthy Affiliate Platform

We have A LOT of fun projects going on behind the scenes. Wealthy Affiliate is going to undergo some serious innovation as we move into the new year and within 2019, we are going to extend the lead within the affiliate marketing space.

The projects we are working on, the relationships we have been harboring, and the technology that we are going to be implementing all being driven by one underlying factor. YOU.

We build the platform for YOU. It is as simple as that. Our goal is to help you create more success online and to do so with more efficiency. We can do this in a number of ways, but some approaches we take to this are new and improved platforms, new training and live classes, better interaction and more timely support, new ground-breaking technological advancements, and of course, taking your feedback and "wants" and building them direction into the environment here at Wealthy Affiliate.

The fun is going to start in January 2019. We have some major releases in the early new year, and this is going to be followed by a year of consistent improvements to the platform here. Our January platform update is one that we have been working on for close to 18 months and is going to offer you insights into affiliate programs and online opportunities that simply have never been done. We also have a series of new training coming in January, along with some amazing live classes that are going to set you up for a fruitful 2019 ahead.

This is going to be followed by a very busy release schedule throughout the year. You are not just in good hands here at Wealthy Affiliate, you are going to be building and operating your business from the leading platform in the industry and we are going to extend our lead in this space in a hasty manner come 2019. Expect big things out of us. :) And that leads me to this Friday, something exciting is brewing.

The Black Friday Offer, It's Almost Here.

OK, here is the lowdown. This Friday, November 23rd the Black Friday Offer is going to drop. You are going to be able to get Wealthy Affiliate yearly membership at the lowest price ever, along with some never-seen-before bonuses.

The price of membership is going to be $299 for an entire year of Premium. This includes everything, all the live classes, all the website/research platform access, all the courses, access the updates and new platforms, live mentoring and support, and some really breakthrough training platforms that I am personally going to be rolling out. You get the key to the community!

Not just that though, we are going to throw in some special bonuses that are going to help you with your business in the year ahead.

Black Friday Bonuses

Bonus #1: Live Video Class - The 7 Factor “Secret Sauce”

Within the online world, what is the secret sauce to creating a successful and thriving business? There must be something that those that are successful do to make up the secret sauce, and something that those that are failing aren’t doing. Right?

The differences became VERY evident as I looked back on my experiences over the past 17 years online. I have spent several months and a great deal of critical thinking assessing what the “sauce” is, and I have really come up with a breakdown of the process that can and will lead ANYONE to any level of success online.

This is a one-hour live class, with full Q & A. Prepare to be floored!

Bonus #2: The 7 Factor Secret Sauce, The White Paper.

As I has been spending time looking inwards about what the true secret sauce is, what leads folks to creating multi-million dollar businesses, and what leads others to mediocrity (or worse yet, failure), I have been establishing a great deal of insightful literature on this.

I packed this into a "White Paper" type document that we will be going to be packaging up and offering as a PDF to everyone that takes part in the Black Friday offer. This is going to include a breakdown of actionable tasks that will take any newbie, and turn them into a thriving expert within the online world.

Get ready to take you online biz game to the next level!

Bonus #3: Creating a Lucrative Niche Website in 2019 (5 Weeks)

This is going to be a 5-part training series, offered over 5 consecutive weeks. In this training Jay is going to show how to take a brand new idea and establish a business in the matter of FIVE short weeks. There are going to be several shortcuts covered within this training, shortcuts that will literally shave and save you months of time and $1,000’s of dollars in your business.

There are many important junctures in your business, those moments that can truly make the difference between failure/mediocrity, or a long term and fruitful business. Jay is going to give you an actionable walk-through to ensure YOUR success in 2019 over this 5 week series of live classes.

Bonus #4: Early Beta Access to NEW Releases at Wealthy Affiliate

We have A LOT of slated roll outs in 2019, in fact our busiest one we have ever had. We are going to be offering early beta access to some of these platforms prior to launching. As a Black Friday member you are going to get an exclusive “insider” look into these platforms, before they are released. Exciting stuff ahead, we plan on reinventing the affiliate marketing industry once again in 2019 through significant platform releases and updates within WA.

So I hope I have helped you appreciate the overall landscape online in the year ahead, not just here within WA, but the growing opportunity of the internet. It continues to grow, it continues to get more exciting, and the proficiency in which you can create and grow an online business is going to continue to improve with the technology here at WA.

If you have any questions about the Black Friday event at Wealthy Affiliate, or more generally, the year ahead in the affiliate marketing space, leave them below. Looking forward to an exciting weekend ahead and a bright and shiny 2019!

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