The Earning Opportunity of Sharing - WA Sharing is Live!

Last Update: June 18, 2012
Hi Everyone,

Today is an exciting time for all members of Wealthy Affiliate and one that has long been anticipated. Today we have released one of the biggest game changing updates, one that will transform the industry and one that will lead to a whole new heap of earning opportunities.

Today Wealthy Affiliate can be Shared with the outside world!

What can be shared?

(1) Blog Posts
(2) Training Resources (first page only)
(3) Your WA Profile

Now anyone can share content at Wealthy Affiliate with their social networks or by email with the click of a button. When YOU share something it passes through the your unique WA share variable (which includes your affiliate link). This means that if anyone joins the 10 day trial or becomes a paying member as a result of your "share", YOU earn a referral commission.

Free 10 Day Trial Sign-up = $1 Credit
Monthly Sign-up = $22.50 per month (recurring)
Yearly Sign-up = $175 per year (recurring)

Revenue will pile up quickly if you make sharing part of your daily activities.

This is also an amazing opportunity for "creators of content" to gain credibility outside of WA, and use their content as a funnel to spread the word about WA. As the author of the content, you will also get an automatic "follow" if someone shares your content and generates a referral.

Training resources only allow the "First Page" to be shared and in order for people to see the rest of the tutorial they will need to Join as a trial member, or full-time member.

You have FULL control over your content

Of course every owner of content at WA has full control over their content. When creating a blog post or training you have the ability to turn sharing OFF. This can be helpful if you want to keep the content exclusive to the WA community.

Why Share? - "Earn While you Learn"

Sharing gives you the opportunity to build your reputation outside WA. Share your latest blog post on Facebook and let your friends view what you are up to at Wealthy Affiliate. Share a helpful training tutorial at WA with your Twitter Following, or G+ and drive people to high quality content while giving yourself the opportunity to earn.

"Earn while you learn" is something that is now possible at Wealthy Affiliate. We have created a brand new model for earning money online. This model is "Share to Earn". Every user that joins through a link that you have shared earns you $1.. that is a $1 per lead commission that you earn for simply sharing. One of the most difficult aspects for people historically has been earning that very first dollar online. Now this is a reality in your first few hours at WA, and for every day after!

For the owners of Blogs and Training, share your content and allow others to share it too. This builds your reputation and increases your following. When your content is shared and people join through the shared link, both you and the person who shared the content gets an automatic follower. This could mean hundreds, if not thousands of followers from a single quality resource that is shared.

Followers are going to carry A LOT of value (in terms of revenue) as the Wealthy Affiliate system continues to evolve.

How the share process works?

On every blog post and training resource that is "Sharable" (sharing is ON by the owner), there are now social buttons. Simply click the buttons to share on your social networks. Your social networks are going to love the fact that you are sharing quality content with them where they are learning.

New: Permalinks

Ever wanted to share a link directly to a blog post but didn't have a link to do so? Well permalinks takes care of this. Click the permalink button and you will see two links.
  • The Permalink
  • A Shortened link

Both link directly to the resource.

** For anyone who wants to use permalinks to share on their webpages and open up content, you can append the "data1" tracking variable to any link. For example you can create a link that looks like this:

New: Email

Clicking the email button on any shared content at WA allows you to send an email directly to people and share the URL. Many times when reading content you will find something that someone you know would find interesting or helpful. Using the email function is just another way to share. Your unique share link is passed in so that when people join, you get the referral credit.:


Wealthy Affiliate has just stepped things up a notch and now the BEST content in the world on Internet marketing and online business can be leveraged to attract an audience, earn revenue, and build your reputation.

"Earn while you Learn" is a reality with sharing now available and it will be a driving factor to many people's success. Earning by sharing quality content, building your seed money to expand your's a concept that just makes sense. We encourage everyone at WA to share content when they find something that is worth sharing. Sharing quality is important to keep your social network intrigued and sharing content at WA is going to help a lot of people within your social network - you benefit from it greatly too!

Today is an exciting day at Wealthy Affiliate. We've created a brand new model for earning revenue with "Share to Earn" while providing many ways to leverage the great content here at WA.

We will be creating some in-depth and exciting training on how to use new sharing capabilities to benefit you, your social networks, and all members here at WA.

Go ahead and give it a try! Share this blog post and with it your unique affiliate/share link is passed through!

We would love to hear your feedback and discuss any questions you may have.


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Recent messages
IveTriedThat Premium
So many possibilities just opened up! I'm already working on incorporating some shared training materials in a few of my older articles. This is really going to help outsiders see the value in a membership here. Great idea guys!
Carson Premium
kyle Premium
Hey folks, this is something that has been in the pipeline for quite some time and probably the biggest and most powerful evolution that has ever taken place here at WA (I am not kidding).

There will be official training coming tonight for the new "share model" so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, GET SHARING!
mission0ps Premium
Oh I see a whole new Category on one of my blogs going up : )

Nice one fellas.... I'll be "Curating" plenty :) But only the first couple of paragraphs.. is that OK?
jchilders Premium
This is freakin awesome! I had a feeling this was coming, glad to see it has arrived. :)
Carson Premium
slayton1s Premium
Yes! I've been waiting for this for a while now. I'm taking big time advantage of this & putting it on my main site at I'll need to use a little creativity on my part though & figure out how I'll incorporate it into my own site effectively & stuff. Thanks. :)
Carson Premium
Aaaawwweesome !!
Carson Premium