The WA Credit System - Our Internal Currency at WA!

Last Update: August 11, 2016

Hi Everyone,

I hope that you are having a great week so far, hopefully it's about to get just a little bit better :) Today I want to introduce a significant update to WA and how our internal WA Credits are earned, used, and managed.

Wealthy Affiliate has always had a credit system, even back in the days when we were a keyword list website with a forum (2006-2007). Back then we called our credit system "WA Gold" and people could earn credits by performing certain actions within the platform. Well, we have reinvented our credit system as many aspects of WA rely on earning and using credits and I am really excited to tell you about it below!

WA Credits are Categorized into TWO Types

There are two types of credits at WA which are outlined below:

Cash Credits AND Community Credits

  • Cash Credits carry a USD Value of $0.50 each and can be cashed out.
  • Community Credits carry no USD Value, but they carry significant value within WA as they are used for systems like SiteFeedback and SiteComments.

How to Earn Cash Credits

1 - By referring others to WA you earn two credits when your referrals setup their image and description. We call these Cash Credits "Affiliate Credits" for clarity on the new Credit Dashboard. Anyone who has referred others to WA has earned these Affiliate Cash Credits before.

2 - When people that you refer to WA purchase a domain, you earn you two cash credits. These are added to your Cash Credit balance as you will see in the history table of your Dashboard.

3 - By creating training at WA, you earn Cash Credits when your training reaches certain "quality" levels. A specific number of likes, and views, and engagement within your training will earn you Cash Credits. Instead of your training credits going directly into your affiliate account, they are now added as Cash Credits. This gives you the opportunity to use the credits within WA if you wish.

4 - We have also introduced a highly requested feature that allows you to BUY Cash Credits. We have had so many people ask if they could purchase credits to use towards SiteFeedback or SiteComments. Now this is a possibility! You can purchase Cash Credits from your Credit Dashboard at any time and use them toward any credit system within WA!

Where to use Cash Credits?

Cash Credits can be used for anything within WA:

  • Cash Credits can be Cashed Out for USD through the WA Affiliate System
  • Cash Credits can be used to request SiteComments or SiteFeedback
  • Cash credits can be used to Register Domains using SiteDomains
  • More opportunities to come...

How to Earn Community Credits

If you use SiteComments or SiteFeedback, then you are already familiar with Community Credits because these are the types of credits you earn with you provide feedback or leave comments on other people's websites.

  • Community Credits are earned through offering SiteComments or SiteFeedback
  • Community Credits can be used towards SiteFeedback or SiteComment
  • There are also more opportunities to earn and use Community Credits to come...

As you may have noticed, you can now use your Community credits interchangeably between these systems.

Credit Dashboard

The Credit Dashboard can be browsed to from your profile image at the top of every page within WA. Choose "Credit Dashboard" from the drop down and you will be taken to your overview of all your credit activity within WA.

You can toggle between Cash and Community credit types to see your balances and your history of where you have earned and used credits. You can cash out your credits, buy credits, and manage all aspects related to your credits.

Here is the link directly ==>

Note to WA Affiliates: You can still cash out your Affiliate Credits from the Affiliate Stats page, however you can also do this from the new Credit Dashboard.

Affiliate Credits are a TYPE of Cash Credit. We've kept this separation so that it's clear to Affiliates what their credit balance is for referring others to WA. Affiliate Credits are Cash Credits and once you have reached the minimum quality threshold, they can be used as cash credits within any Credit System in WA.

For example, you can now use your Affiliate Credits to request comments on your website, or register domains!

We Have BIG Plans for WA Credits

WA Credits are going to become more and more integrated into areas of WA and we have big plans and uses for them. In the coming months (and later this year), you will see our internal currency built into many aspects of WA. This is truly something that we are extremly excited about!

I expect that there will be some questions that I haven't answered in this post, so I look forward to hearing them along with your feedback.


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