This is blog using redactor on trunk

Last Update: April 28, 2015

Adding an Images is a Cinch!

Today I wanted to let everyone know that we have upped the ante with commenting at WA! All Premium members can now add images when commenting within questions, training, blogs, or Private messages.

Have you ever wanted to include a screenshotof something that you are needing help with? Or how about when you are helping someone and wanting to show someone that hard to explain setting in Wordpress? Now you can do this and attach any number of images to your comments to help give visual representation of what you are discussing.

  • questions
  • trainings
  • blogs
  • Private messages

After the image has been added you need to give it a short description so others know what the image is. When you are all done, submit your comment like you normally would and the images will show up below your comment.

If you have any feedback or questions, please leave them below. I look forward to hearing from you.

Talk soon.

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