This is my second Blog

Last Update: May 21, 2018

Yeah, that's some boys jamming it up.

Well, miracles will never end. I just got an email from Google Analytic, with some new figures that look encouraging. (I'm being purposely understated because I don't want to lose my cool.) I saw the number 12,000%, in red. Okay, I don't really know what that means, but I think it's probably good, but I just want to make sure and not get excited.

Okay so here's some numbers: I had 121 visitors, 191 sessions, an increase of 3083%. Okay does that sound reasonable? Google Analytic is asking me to tell them what I did to get users to my site. Heck, I have no idea. I wrote some more content. I wrote and published one of my stories. That's about all I did.

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