This is new blog on 5th Jan 2023 here

Last Update: January 05, 2024

You're starting a brand new business, and don't know where to start. Naturally a passion or interest is the best starting point. As you move through the Hub Wizard, it helps you refine and polish your niche and brand with the Niche & Brand Finder technology that is built right in.

You decide on your niche, confirm your brand identity, choose your domain (which is preselected), and your website is built. Wordpress setup? Check. Plugins? Installed and configured.

We have taken a process that used to take a significant amount of time (and to be frank, many people NEVER were able to finish), and turn this into a 5 minute process.

Step 2: Done For You Blueprint Through Hubs (INSANT)

Now that your foundation is set, we now provide you with a "blue print" for your business.

This is a comprehensive "Done for You Blueprint" where you can manage your website, access a plethora of different research/content side ideas, perform keyword research, get structure for your website and access the integrative training. From the moment you start, you're set up for success with access to top-tier research, training and website management area.

Step 3: Build Your Initial Website Framework (15 Minutes)

Once you're ready to start populating your site with content, you turn towards the Article Designer, and leverage the SiteContentTemplates platforms. Fifteen minutes is all it takes to use this tool to craft your initial "About Me" page and your "Privacy Policy" pages, the first start of your website foundation.

Step 4: Create and Publish SEO-Ready Content (15 Minutes)

And when it's time to jump into the website build out process, the creation of your 1,000 to 3,000-word SEO-ready, keyword-rich content are going to be built initially within the AI "assisted" process.

This combines the research done (along with your creative input) to structure your initial article outline using the Article Designer, and then pairs with AI Authors, to create an initial, high-quality content base that you can then edit, polish, add imagery and refine before publication. This typically takes another 15 minutes. It's not just speedy, it's content that ranks.

In the time it would have taken you just to learn the basics of Wordpress with the old method, you now have a fully functional site that is ready to scale.

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