Two Little Bubbles that will Supercharge Live Help at WA!

Last Update: May 14, 2015

Hi Everyone!

We just added some really helpful and long needed features for getting live help at WA!

Recently we updated the Live Chat (read about it here) to include an easy to open chat box that you can always access at WA. Whether you are in training, or asking a question, or visiting someone's WA profile, you can access the live chat from everywhere!

This allowed two important things!

  1. to be able to quickly ask for live help from any page in WA
  2. to be able to help others from any page in WA
For those of you who may not know what I'm referring to, if you click the "Live Chat" button in the left hand main menu, you will see that the live chat will open in a box. Easy and convenient right?

This was a powerful update, but as convenient as it was there was something missing. That "something" was notifications when people were replying to you, or when people were in need of help. It is a lot easier to help someone if you don't know if they need help in the first place. Also, you are much more able to hold a meaningful conversation when you know when people reply to your messages.

Today we have tackled both of these with our latest new features added to Live Chat at WA!

Introducing Live Chat Notifications!

There are two new notifications that you will see show up within the Live chat button in the main menu. These little notification bubbles are for Replies to your messages, and when questions go unanswered.

This is powerful because now you will always know when someone is replying to your messages. No more missed chats, you'll be notified when people reply to you within seconds!

When you open the live chat box, the notifications are labeled with the same color Bubble so that you can easily reference which messages are related to the notifications!

Red for replies, and Green for people who have asked a question and have not had an other words they need help!

Notifications will show up whenever your Live Chat div is closed, and when you are not on the Activity Dashboard. We don't want to bother you with notifications if you are already looking at the live chat! The interactive nature of live chat means that we won't bug you with notifications that are OLD or out dated either. Any notifications that you see will be for messages that have happened within the past coupe of minutes only.

We really hope that this will continue to make getting help, and offering help, easier and more convenient then ever!

That's not all...things are BOOMING in the background at WA!

Many things are happening in the background at WA and we're hard at work to bring some truly revolutionary and unique services to the community. In 2015 already we've released many new features and improvements to the community and the SiteRubix website network. We're pushing forward hard on all fronts to ensure that your websites are the absolute best websites anywhere in the world. We want to give all members who build their websites at WA, a big upper hand over those who don't. Stay tuned and know that 2015 is going to be our most innovative year in our history (Since 2005).

Along with new powerful services, we're also working on improvements to the platform itself to help sustain the growth of the member base and true volume of interactions that happen on a daily basis. With tens of thousands of comments and chat messages every day, and millions of pages views a month in the members area alone, we're in need of some updates to the way that WA works. We've been working on this for months anticipating the need for more horsepower. We've got a solution nearly ready that will have those annoying "Gateway Timeout" pages put to rest for good.

So, I will leave you today with the new Live Chat notifications in place, and the knowledge that we have many exciting new services in the works for WA. Kyle and I are 100% dedicated to offering the absolute best websites in the industry, the best help and support in the industry, and the best overall experience for those of you who are working so hard to build you online businesses! Keep up the hard work, and we will do the same to put everything at your fingertips that you'll need to meet every one of your goals!

We love feedback, so we hope to hear your thoughts in the comments below!


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