UPDATE: Old Training Has Been Sunset and Our NEW Approach to Training!

Last Update: January 30, 2024

Hey Everyone!

Today marks a sad day, and a happy day....well mostly a happy day. We have just sunset all of the OLD training from Wealthy Affiliate. This means the old OEC (Online Entrepreneur Certification) and Affiliate Bootcamp training.

And this was for good reason. There were many outdated components to it ,and as of December 4th (with the release of Hubs and our NEW core training), it was our old, legacy training.

This update isn't just about replacing old videos with new ones; it's about elevating the entire educational environment here at WA.

The efforts to replace outdated content with modern, targeted training are central to WA's ethos, and moving forward we are going to ensure that every member has access to the tools and information crucial for thriving business in today's fast evolving landscape..

Out With the Old: Embracing Change at Wealthy Affiliate

We have always strived to provide top-tier education to our community here at WA. However, part of maintaining high standards is recognizing when certain content no longer serves our educational objectives adequately. This is exactly why you're going to find out about the removal of the old 'OEC' and 'Affiliate Bootcamp' training to be a necessary step to ensure the quality and relevance of the learning experience at WA.

The only real critique that our competitors has was that SOME of our training was outdated...when you have 1,000's of training resources, this can happen.

Despite the most current training through weekly classes, vlogs, and blogs, some portions of the OEC and bootcamp runs of training just weren't cutting-edge anymore. We addressed this head-on, and have recently unveiled our entirely "refreshed" 2024 Core training.

The "Niche" run of training is 3 series, and 20 full classes of updated content. This can be found directly within your Niche Hub.

Same for the Affiliate Bootcamp. It is 20 lesson in length, and is found within your Hubs if you choose "Promote WA" as your niche through the Hub creation process.

During the transition, we made sure to support those who were in the middle of their learning journey. We provided a grace period on the OLD, allowing for the completion of existing courses to ensure that users could move forward without losing any of their hard work. This period was essential to a smooth transition, but it also allowed the older training to linger.

As of TODAY, when you click the "Training" button you will notice it takes you directly into your Hubs platform...with each one of your Hubs training operating and being tracked independently of each other.

New Training Button
When you click on "View Hub & Training" after clicking the Training button in the top menu, it will link you directly to your training section within that respective Hub, with your last visited class highlight in PINK (see below)

Training within hubs
This new core training is going to be updated every 6 weeks moving forward, ensuring that is current with the state of Wealthy Affiliate and our constant changes (we have rolled out 20 updates in the last 2 weeks!)...along with the most current processes to help you achieve maximal success online.

And of course that just brushes the surface of the training here. There are several new Expert Classes rolled out weekly, many vlogs and blogs that are highly educational, and 1,000's of conversations taking place at any given time.

You are well equipped here with the most current, forward thinking training in the world and we have an awesome slate of training (and 100's of short form videos) planned in the coming months ahead to help you round out your skill sets and scale your success within the online world.

Lots to look forward to! Thanks for being part of our thriving community, and I'll see you in the Hubs!

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