WA Live Chat - Technical Issue

Last Update: July 28, 2012
Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to quickly blog about some technical issues we're having with the LIVE chat. We are working to restore the chat but at the moment it is not loading.

Our sincere apologies, we will have this fixed asap.

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TJ Books Premium
Carson, there is also a problem with member search. You put in @Carson and you don't show up. I used your name but it is with any name. To find your page I have to use your URL. John
Carson Premium
TJ Books Premium
It works today with no problem. I have to reload the center panel and chat often.
Carson Premium
Renni Premium
Oh Goodie!!! I tried to get on last nite and figured there was a problem...really threw me cuz I needed my chat fix...pardon the pun :)
Lou rael Premium
Didn't even know there was a problem.
Carson Premium
Ty Johnson Premium
lol I was just now trying to get on chat when you blogged, talk about timing =)
Carson Premium
Ty Johnson Premium
I hope it's not to hard so you guys don't wind up working all night
Carson Premium