Why is Affiliate Marketing so Hard? 10 Valuable Rules

Last Update: August 30, 2018

You might ask, why is affiliate marketing so hard to do? In my opinion affiliate marketing is not hard to do if you keep to these 10 valuable rules. I don’t deny that you have to put some effort into it, but it should also be fun. Follow these basic rules and Affiliate Marketing will become a lot easier.

Rule 1: Put Effort into It

If you want to earn a passive income with affiliate marketing you need to put some effort into it. Initially it will be really hard work, but as you progress it will get easier. It is not much different from trying to earn an income from a brick and mortar business. As a matter of fact it is much easier and the start-up cost is a LOT less.

Perseverance is key and never give up. It is surprising how many people give up just before they succeed and never even know it. Don't be part of these statistics.

As soon as you realize this and you are willing to give it your all, the battle is already have won.

Rule 2: Have Fun

No matter what you decide to promote, always have fun with your ideas and the stories you are going to tell. When I say stories, I mean the content you are going to write, because it should be an interesting story you want to tell others. Your heart must be in it.

The biggest mistake you can make is to try and promote something you don’t believe in and are not interested in yourself.

Rule 3: Choose Your Niche Correctly

Before you start creating your website, choose the correct niche for you. This goes hand in hand with Rule 2. Take some time and don’t rush into it. If you are passionate about something specific it would make it much easier and chances are you already have a lot of knowledge about it.

Create a list of possibilities. I would suggest pick at least 5 different niches you would like to consider. List them from most to least favorite.

Rule 4: Do Your Research

With your list in hand you can start doing research. You need to determine whether you will be able to make money with your niche. If not, affiliate marketing will be hard to do and you will struggle to make an income. You have to determine the following:

  1. Are there affiliate programs available for my niche?
  2. Can I make money from these affiliate programs? (For example: What is the profit margin?)
  3. Is there a demand for the products I want to promote?
  4. Will I be able to compete with other affiliate marketers?
  5. Will I be able to write enough posts about my topics without running out of ideas or getting bored?

This will take a significant amount of time to do, but it will be worth it in the end. This is where you will make your money. Don’t rush it!

Rule 5: Create a Website

It is essential to create a website where you can place your posts and affiliate links for your products. By creating a website you will start building your Brand.

Don’t run away when you get to this point. This is the easy part. With WordPress and Wealthy Affiliate, it cannot get easier.

You will be surprised by how quickly you can get your website up and running. Take the plunge and give it a try.

Rule 6: Keyword Research

Keyword research is of vital importance. This is where you determine for what keywords in your niche there is a demand for and how much competition you have. Keyword research is fun and with the correct tools you can reach a vast audience.

Rule 7: Write Outstanding Content

Write good content about products people will find interesting, informative, helpful, good value and quality. This can include:

  1. Product Reviews. Do your research and always be honest in your reviews.
  2. Solving common Problems / Questions / Issues relevant to your target audience
  3. Create Evergreen Content
  4. Ensure your content is also visually appealing.

Rule 8: Build Your Audience

You can build your audience by doing the following:

  1. Give away informational information like an e-book, etc.
  2. Promote your content via Social Media platforms
  3. Invest in paid advertising
  4. Build an email list
  5. Make sure your site is SEO ready
  6. Keep your eyes open for any other needs your customers may have. Listen to what they say and always help where you can. This will definitely add value and give your credibility a solid foundation.

Rule 9: Promote Your Affiliate Products

Make sure you place your affiliate product links in strategic places everywhere. This include:

  1. On your website
  2. Banners
  3. Social Media
  4. Email list

Rule 10: Maintenance

Keep all your information up to date and current. Test your links and make sure they are working properly. This is a constant process and Rules 6 to 9 should be repeated regularly for your new and old content.


If you do not follow these basic rules, you will find that affiliate marketing can be hard and nearly impossible to do.

What do you think?

If you feel that I have not included something important, please let me know and I will gladly add it to the list.

Thanks for reading my post. Any input will be appreciated.

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