Backlinks and Blogs

Last Update: December 11, 2010

I just finished deleting a bunch of comments on one of my blogs. 

I had 9 from the same person, same exact content, on 9 posts.  The posts and site are about fitness equipment.  The comment was about building seo'd sites.  Specifically, if I was tired of lousy traffic, there was a solution, just click here.

That got me thinking about why would that person do that?  Or why would that person pay a service or for a tool that would post such a comment on a site like mine.

There's no chance in hell I'm going to allow comments that have nothing to do with the post, or the site subject.

One comment I did not delete but removed the link.  Why?  The comment was good, but it linked directly to the sales page of one of the products I promote on that site.

The comment was too much of a response to the post to have been done automatically.  I think.  Of course, there's always a very slim chance that, given enough comments, one will be a great match.

I deleted a comment that said mine was a great post and they had to go do something with the toaster.  

I deleted a bunch of "Great job.  Glad you're posting.  I have to come back and look again."

Usually, I don't go look at them, the plug in removes them.  Today, I was curious.

I just thought I'd share and ask a question?: What type of comments do you  get?

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jatdebeaune Premium
I used to get spammers until the tech put a filter in the comment section. Still, many of the comments don't make sense at all, so I delete them. Used to be a time consuming problem, but now it's not. It's great when someone makes a thoughtful comment.
Louise M. Premium
Pretty much the kind of comments you get really. The Akismet plugin doesn't always filter very well. Sometimes I allow links, I think it's a fair game as I do blog commenting myself but it definitely depends of how relevant it is and if it doesn't harm my site and promotion. I got comments that don't make sense at all and yeah, a lot of "thx for sharing", "my cousin recommended your site to me, it'll help me with my paper". lol! I'm wondering the same thing: how can they think this is a good marketing strategy??
magicman Premium
Hi there...I'm not allowing any comments on my blogs, but will often ask for a comment on the contact page. My plan is to aggregate those comments in the future into master/overall blog posts "from the readers." Just my thought.
NEA03 Premium
I get the usual, "great post" "interesting info" But something not so usual is "i love you" Yesterday someone commented on 3 of my sites, his(or her) comments were; "i love youuuuu toots" "toots i love you" and "ilysfm" haha Talk about funny and weird. They were linking to some tv show blog.
WRI Premium
Ive been getting these kind.. thanks for the great info with a non related url attached like respatorytheraphist which has nothing to do with my site, OR nice job this post made me think same type URL. So I did a Google check on the ip addresses and they are known content spammers from the USSR .