
Last Update: January 29, 2011

I posted a comment on a blog yesterday.  Today, it was approved.  But they went a step farther.  At the bottom of my comment they add a line stating D has posted.... and they gave the full title to one of my posts that was fully hyperlinked.

Usually, I get the comments merely approved.  I don't see the advantage to this site giving me back an extra link that has a different keyword phrase than the one I was going for with my comment.

I'm enjoying it.  But can someone tell me what's with the altruism?  Is it pure? If not, what's their advantage?


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andys43us Premium
oh and their advantage is that it encourages readers to comment more.
andys43us Premium
that's the commentluv plugin. Those that have it installed on their blogs provides an extra link to the commenter's last post. To search for blogs with commentluv, search ["commentluv"+ keyword]
jatdebeaune Premium
Don't know what the motive is, but a very nice thing to have happened. Maybe the quality of your comment inspired them, and they want you to come back.