Cuddling's Got a Price Tag Now!

Last Update: July 20, 2012
Someone's turned cuddling into a business. What do you think?

In a way, it's brilliant. She found a problem/need/desire nobody addresses and she offered a solution.

And, are you using this, or things like this, in your marketing? If yes, how is it working out for you? I know Kyle does it and loves it. Anyone else?
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I think that was My Idea...don't give it to her.
Labman_1 Premium
Actually that's what Therapy Dogs are for.
slayton1s Premium
At first it seemed pretty sad somebody would do something weird like that but the more I think about it, the more brilliant it seems. I mean, it's almost like being a doctor. She heals patients by snuggling with them for as you say a price tag. Pretty brilliant. Uniqueness and Creativity at its finest.
DABK Premium
Certainly creative and unique.
Get a dog! They are always loving and ready for a hug. Just a thought Ha
DABK Premium
Yeah. Hey, you have a fine dog. How about you start a cuddle with my dog business? Copy cat businesses do make money in this world!

You have to agree, though, getting paid to deliver free stuff is brilliant.

Maybe I'll start charging people $2 for one of my hand shakes. I have fine hands... What do you think?
Hannah would reach out and BITE the strange person that tried to hug her or get too close to her "mom".

Let me know how your handshake business goes -
Maybe there is a way to do a virtual handshake and charge for it
DABK Premium
Meredith, I never thought of the virtual aspect of it. I bet she could set up a webcam and film herself pretending to cuddle with someone. Of course, that would not be worth $60/hour. But could be sold again and again, at the same time.

I think I'll contact her and suggest it to her.
Labman_1 Premium
Wow, I may have to avail myself of this service, it's right in my back yard. Hmmm, I wonder how the wife would feel about it. :)
DABK Premium
Share with her the results of the latest studies, the ones that show how beneficial cuddling, human touch, is to your heart health, how it helps avoid cancer, liver disease, dimentia and all kind of other illnesses and she's liable to cuddle with you, then give you $60 to go get some more cuddling from the cuddling business.
Labman_1 Premium
Or perhaps even hire me to enhance her website.
It does sound like it might be franchise-able.
Shawn Martin Premium
What a great idea! Thanks for posting this!
DABK Premium
You think she'll consider franchising?
Shawn Martin Premium
LOL, one could only hope. :)