Google Reinstates The Blog It Banned Months Ago

Last Update: February 10, 2011

If you remember, you probably do not, Google banned one of my blogs because it was spammy, i.e., I had links to another site.  They told me that they consider it spam if you build a site with the sole purpose of pushing another site up in ranks.  It was a site.  It was not built for that purpose.  I do have a blog that exists only to give a bunch of other sites a link or 10.  Google did not mind that one.  Just the one I used for testing things.  

Anyway, months later, a human over-ruled their spiders and algorithms and now my blog is active again.  Except that I got used to not having it and replaced it with another one where I do my testing.  But not a, of course.

Conclusion: Google still sucks, in slow motion, in bombastic, explosive motion and any way in-between.  Then need to fire their spiders and hire a better set.  Perhaps local spiders?

(And you thought I'd lost my sense of humor!)

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morlandroger Premium
I had a pet spider once. Tell it to go forwards it did, go left it did, go right it did. Google came along and cut off its legs. Now I tell it to move and it does not! Proof that if you cut off a spiders legs it goes deaf! Happy Friday everyone, time for another wine here in the UK. :-)
sherbet penny Premium
Ha nice one, its a comedy show sometimes alright.
jatdebeaune Premium
It's ridiculous. It can cost a person their income while Google figures it out. Dusan, you describe precisely what I am concerned Google will think I'm doing with my sites plan, and that's not it at all. It's about structuring a business, not Google rankings, and certainly not about Google spiders.
phildeeze Premium
Everyone is having a bad time with google right now they have made changes that aren't working well for affiliates. I had a similar situation and I made one small change to my site and had it reviewed by a person not a spider and it was approved as well. After they get enough complaints from webspace owners they will have to tweak it again and hopefully get it right.