Nissan Has Been Suing Nissan for Years

Last Update: May 01, 2012

Nissan, the car company once known as Datsun, has sued a Mr. Nissan for having the nerve to have a family name of Nissan.

Nissan, the man, existed before Nissan, the company existed.  And he's an entrepreneur who has two websites: and  And a couple of companies, which, like so many others, he named after himself.

Nissan, the company, till 1994 known as Datsun, takes umbrage to Mr. Nissan's using his family name.  So, they've been suing the pants off of him for years, losing overall, but causing a lot of financial damage.

Tell me what you think.

Please.  Pretty please and with sugar on top (I hate maraschino cherries).

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urn357 Premium
Lol that is hilarious. I hope ol' Mr. Nissan keeps screwing with them and chuckling as he goes. Nissan as the company does not have any right and can't really do anything about it. It is their own fault really. I love it when the little man sticks it to the big man. Perfect example.
how do you start promoting clickbank products?
suem Premium
Perhaps Datsun should have looked into domain registration possibilities before chosing the name Nissan!
TJ Books Premium
Trade mark protection is a legal function of big companies. They are always trying to put small family same-name businesses out of business. If they don't protect their trade mark, they can lose it to the public domain. John
DABK Premium
I know they have to protect their trademark. They guy, though, had a domain name and a company before they changed their name to Nissan. They could have done their homework better and not called themselves Nissan or they could have offered to buy his domain before they went with Nissan. Both better ways then spending years suing, in my opinion.
Sielke Premium
I didn't even know this was still going on. It was a big thing when I was active in the domaining community some years back and I guess it's still ongoing. Hey, if I got it first that's your fault is my opinion. I do believe that a company should have the option to buy the domain for registration amount if it's something completely obvious but thatd just cause even more speculation.