Tell me today's going to go smoothly

Last Update: August 21, 2010

I spent yesterday fixing technical difficulties (undeserved ones, of course).

That's it.  Just wanted to share.  I'm generous that way.

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jatdebeaune Premium
No Dusan, the creme brulee is for you. The champagne is for the program, or is it the other way around? No, you have both.
Fallulah Premium
Ahhh Dusan ... you make me laugh ... I bet you're hilarious on a team! But back to the technical difficulties? Don't ya just get SUCH a buzz when you fix them?!?! Almost makes me yearn for one ... ok I said almost [lol]!
DABK Premium
Creme brule, huh? Do all types of programs like creme brule?
Louise M. Premium
life! :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Awww Dusan, not technical issues. You need a creme brulee and a dessert champagne and you'll forget all about it. Tomorrow will be better.