Viagra or Rolex Replicas?

Last Update: June 13, 2012
I get a lot of spam. One day it's offers to buy Viagra, the next is to buy Rolex Replicas. Or, maybe, it's Viagra for 3 days and the watches the next 3 days. They never come the same day.

So, what would I do if I found myself in need of a Rolex knockout and have a hot date the same day?

And now the serious question: do you think Viagra and Rolex Replicas are in collusion, breaking some anti-trust law? I mean, how does Viagra know to come only on the days Rolex is away?

A penny and a half for your thoughts.
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CEugene Premium
Rolex replicas are highly illegal. As an avid collector of Rolex and Rolex/Tudor watches... replicas are the bane of my existence. Any time anyone notices I'm wearing a Rolex... they all ask the same questions: Oh, is that watch real?
kyle Premium
Yeah, annoying and people assume that most Rolex watches are fake because of all of the fakes you see when you go to Mexico, China or Thailand. You can get one on the side street for $20. Breitling watches are another common watch that is faked.
kyle Premium
LOL, perhaps Pfizer has a foreign factory producing watch replicas. What a concept!

I get a lot of anti-depressant drug spam as well, so perhaps after your fake rolex stops working after 5 days, maybe you might need something to get over the depression of your broke down watch.
Boys, boys,boys! This isn't a saloon.