What the...

Last Update: May 02, 2012

A few days ago, I posted about two of my sites losing top positions.  And about me being confused as to what Google was doing.

Today, I write to reiterate my confusion and add another reason why I'm confused:

Traffic is up on the two sites that were hit.  Since they lost position, they get some 25% more unique visitors.  I checked positions again... not in the top 10 pages.  I looked at the keywords people were using to get to my sites... The ones that used to be on page 1 and now are page 40 or worse are getting the 25% extra hits.

I'll give a box of baby wipes to the one who can enlighten me, and the hand of the princess in marriage too.

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Malablues Premium
Check out this link: http://www.micrositemasters.com/blog/penguin-analysis-seo-isnt-dead-but-you-need-to-act-smarter-and-5-easy-ways-to-do-so/

I found it to be a good read, and does a fair job of explaining Penguin, with hard data to support their conclusions.
Malablues Premium
So you lost position on your primary keywords for the 2 sites, but your traffic increased from other keywords? I guess that's cool. Do they convert though?
DABK Premium
Yup, they convert. I'd be happy, but it drives me nuts to look for mortgage rates and be shown sites about insurance rates.
slayton1s Premium
lol, Google annoys me. It's either the Google dance, even though my content's usually ranked in 3-4 days or Google's doing some weird things with there recent update. I've heard some stories about this update and how it's effected quite a bit of innocent people. For example, if somebody spammed a link to your website without your permission, is it your fault? I'm honestly a little fed up with Google right now. I get tired of having to keep up with what they're doing.

Let's hope the old Google machine will fix a few loose screws in due time.
mhamilt Premium
Could be a Google dance, but I suspect it may have something to do with how sites are ranked around the world. It's very difficult indeed to get an 'accurate' statistic of where your site is in the SERPs because everyone around the planet gets different results on so many different things (location, browsing history etc). If you're getting more traffic, then that's great news, and keep trying to get it even higher. Mark.
Alam Premium
may be google dance..