Why Ezeinarticles.com is having problems.

Last Update: April 24, 2011


This is the link to an article about tricks and tips for car insurance. 

The tips:

1. you need it so buy

2. shop around before you buy

3. don't buy the minimum

No tricks. 

What do you think of it?  It's been 'read' over 1,500 times, so it must be good, right?

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sherbet penny Premium
That article was submitted in 2006 and you can guarantee if street articles was as old they could possibly have the same crap. It is easy for this article to be viewed 1500 times due to title, but you surly guarantee that the click through rate is crap and the length of time on it has a quick bounce rate. For me this shows if any one is in the same niche it would be a great title to us with a fresh quality article.
jatdebeaune Premium
Good point rocktivity. Love the hypocrisy.
rocktivity Premium
In all fairness, the article is nearly five years old. What "must be good" for EZA is that it gives Google 26 opportunities to sell you something -- the same Google who just finished publicly humiliating them!
Jamie Smith Premium
LOL ... not much value added to that article besides comedy value
jatdebeaune Premium
I don't get it. 1,500 times???? Why? Maybe you know Dusan. Is this a trick question? Writer isn't telling us anything we don't already know. Short article. I see your point. This is the reason EZA is having difficulties. Wonder how it slipped through.