Posts by Epic Noob 15
Already got two customers for my banner/graphics service. Here's the first finished product. :)  Excuse the watermarks. I wish we could embed images on our blogs too. :/
1 comment That's the thread if you're looking for inspiration. Even if I made one sale in a day I'd pee my pants! Totally pumped for getting my articles written now.  Good luck guys, ciao.
Ahoy there dolls and guys! Is your website visually not representative of the excellent service you're putting hard hours of work into providing? Do you need that professional touch to get your traffic streaming faster than ever? Then you've come to the right place. My service offers to transform your website into an authoritative, professional looking business at an affordable price by providing original banners and graphics to your specification. Complete your website today. Banners - $1 Imag
Still no traffic albeit! Darn. I guess I'll just have to keep writing under similar topics. You guys fancy helping me out by checking out my lenses and blogs? It's be much appreciated. :)  My Ezine still hasn't been processed yet. Watch this space...  
Well, after an overwhelming start to internet marketing I've finally dived right in with a little help from PotPieGirl's tutorial on article marketing.  I've already blitzed 3 articles on Squidoo (albeit, they are disparate in subject matter but what the hey..) and I've bagged 2 visitors! Two's sure better than one. ;)   I think my next focus will be on finding a subject that isn't so bloody popular on Squidoo, then I'll make my mark.. Hopefully.  If you could check out my