2 Important Facts You Need To Know About Article Spinners

Last Update: March 16, 2010

Recently I was reading a forum post (outside of WA) regarding a very highly regarded article spinner. What caught my attention was that the person using this tool was a bit disappointed about the service as it turned out to be something different from what he had expected.

Then, sure enough, more dissatisfied people replied to the post and it reinforced the fact that anyone using article spinners, no matter how good they thought they were, couldn't be trusted to do everything for you entirely. You need to be aware of 2 important facts that will change your article marketing life.

The first fact
you need to know is that there is no such thing as an article tool that will deliver you 100% unique articles.  Even the ones that pretend to do so. They just don't. When you receive an article you must tweak it paragraph per paragraph to make sure you won't get penalized for duplicate content.

In other words, if you are able to write a 400-500 word article in 15 minutes, you should weigh the pros and cons about using an article spinner in the first place. Could you go as fast as with no spinner? This is a question you might want to ask yourself. Only you can answer such question.

The second fact  you need to know is that whether you are using an article spinner or are thinking about getting one, it won't be a miraculous machine that will allow you to never work on an article again. You will still have to monitor all the articles that will be sent to you, and make sure you are changing some of the content. Some article spinner users are saying that it save them huge amount of time, however, they also admit that they put in much work into it.  Again, you need to judge for yourself.

If you feel that it's not worth the money to have to be behind every article that you are paying for, you can always write your articles yourself. With experience you will be able to write a 400-500 word article in 10-15 minutes.

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smokeywins Premium
I too fell for the hype of the Article Spinner.... Saddly its the marketing that leads us into thinking it can generate an article in a short amount of time that is until you realize you need to choose the words you want the program to spin... No time savings there... Better off just writing/re-writing the article from scratch.
cld111 Premium
So true! I tried The Best Spinner and then I returned it right away. It took forever to go through it and choose which words to spin and then when I spun it, it sounded ridiculous! And did I mention...it took me forever? :) Definitely could have written a couple of articles in that time.
Not2Late Premium
Wow, I am SO GLAD to read this post. I thought I was losing my mind after trying a few sample spinners...even 1 that said BEST SPINNER...blah blah blah NO OTHER AS EFFECTIVE..and found myself wondering what the heck? I could have done that myself in less time than it took to copy paste, spin, read...and voila! nothing different as a result.

I agree with Mike that chances are it will pay off faster to put out your own effort.

So let me ask... is the article "spinner" nothing but hype? So far, I would say yes unless someone tells me something so compelling that I will take my comments back. :)
sox1n05 Premium
That is so true and to the point that there are no really "good" shortcuts in IM. We're all better off putting out the effort upfront. Chances are it will pay off a lot faster than an article spinner! Great post!
idm Premium
I just don't like the idea of using a spinner to write my articles, so for now I'm firmly rejecting the idea. Even the best spinner (no pun intended) can only do so much. I think re-writing the article after taking a little break will produce better results. After awhile of writing I get into a groove where I can get them out in about 10 minutes for 300-400 words. It's not so bad. I always enjoy your blogs, thanks Sylviane.