Help For A WA Friend

Last Update: April 25, 2010

You know how it goes, it is easier to ask for help for others than it is for oneself, so I promised someone that I would ask for help here.

A couple of days ago a WA member asked me If I knew anyone that would be willing to outsource their internet marketing duties, so she could make some money.

I have to mention that this individual is a knock out writer, and she would give you a great deal for your articles writing jobs or anything else you might be willing to pay for.

Unfortunately Minnisha was not able to pay for her WA subscription this month, so if you wanted to give her some work just shoot me a PM and I will hook you with  her.

The reason why I am posting this is that I know that she has great writing abilities.  And I also wanted to specify that Minnisha has not signed up with WA under my ID number whatsoever, and I have no gain in helping her.

The real beauty of this is that the real gain is to help someone when you can.

If you or anyone you  know needs some writing done for a reasonable price, please let me know.





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FUTURE Premium
I need some article written. Is she back on here yet?
kadcpp Premium
I have 10 gold left but it will not let me give them.
lovin_life67 Premium
Some gold for Minnisha. Maybe it will help pay her subscription.