How to Avoid to be Kicked out of EzineArticles

Last Update: October 04, 2010

Many newbies trying to make sure they get that sale with their articles are getting suspended by EZ.  This is not fun at all when it happens to you.  So, how can we avoid being kicked out by EZ and insure that we are able to continue to write articles that makes everyone happy?

The first thing you need to remember when you write articles is that you write them for 3 entities.   Not only YOU.  And they are the following:

1)      You.  You want to sell your product.

2)     Google.  You want to make sure that your articles are written in such a way that it ranks well on Google.

3)     EzineArticles.  You need to make sure that your articles follow the rules of EZ.  After all your articles are hosted on their site, and there would be no ranking and no sales from that article if it wasn’t for the directory.  So the least we can do is follow the rules and everyone will be rewarded.

What will make EZ get tired of you to the point that they would want you out?  Here are five points to remember when you are writing articles to make sure that you stay in good terms with them.

1)     DO NOT keep resubmitting an article that has been rejected with very little changes.  If you don’t understand why EZ is rejecting your article just ask them.  They will get back to you within a reasonable time.  Do not just blindly resubmit again and again.  It would be a wrong move.

2)     DO NOT copy and paste bits of text here and there and passing it as your article.  EZ is very SAMART!  Even if they don’t catch it right away, they will eventually.   Read stuff for inspiration and then rephrase the info with your OWN words.  DO NOT EVER copy and paste some content and just make it as your own.

3)     DO NOT provide some fake email address that would bounce back when EZ is trying to contact you for any reason.  EZ will tag you as a scam.

4)     DO NOT try to get more than one account.  It’s very easy to remember.  One account per human being.  You can use different pen names that look and sound like real names, however, under the SAME account.  For example you cannot use something like “kitty Kat” or “race car” or “Health and Fitness”… you get the point?

5)     DO NOT try to use EZ for any kind of ways to try to scam people.


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Labman_1 Premium
Thanks Sylviane. This is really good information. I have been playing by the rules and it apparently makes all the difference. I'm even writing about IM and getting approved all the time, so far.
prinker Premium
Great information. Thanks!
jatdebeaune Premium
Good advice once again Sylviane. Thanks.
famousplumber Premium
Thanks for that very useful info.
andys43us Premium
Great Tips Sylviane. Thanks!