Is Internet Marketing Dead?

Last Update: April 20, 2010

We hear this questions here and there recently. People are asking this question on forums wanting to know the answer.

Well, first of all if this was true, the very forum or forums where they are asking this weird question would be close as up today or maybe even yesterday.  There would be no need for internet marketing forums anymore.  Because it is dead!

When I see new marketers asking such questions I have to wonder, why would someone in their right mind and seeing all the stuff out there, blogs, articles, Adwords ads, twitter tweets, and other social bookmarks and so on,  could even doubt the answer.  How in the world could Internet marketing be dead?

I’ve learned one thing for sure over the years from the most successful mentors and marketers that I have known that successful entrepreneurs do not spend their time and energy even thinking about such negative things.  Negativity NEVER amount to success.

I understand that if you are still new in this internet business you might wonder if some things that you have read are actually true or not, but frankly, when you hear such stupid statement such as internet marketing is dead, do yourself a favor and look around. 

Then ask yourself this questions:  Aren’t they internet marketers making tons of money RIGHT NOW?  Doesn’t Clickbank still have some 100,000 + products to sell?  Is that “guy” or “gal” writing this not just trying a new tactic to attract more customers for himself or herself?

If you can answer YES to these questions, then you can safely get to the conclusion that NO, internet marketing is NOT dead.

Spend more time working toward your success and less time reading or worth even believing stupid statements that are only distracting from your goals.


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jatdebeaune Premium
That's like saying the ocean will cease to be wet. There are so many businesses that want to get rid of expensive real estate and go online.
sherbet penny Premium
Fine post to a stupid question, I'm a newborn baby to this game yet I see the Internet, technology and online shopping grown by the day, you would want to be mad to ever utter those words.
Louise M. Premium
Excellent post, you're sooo right Sylviane. Thanks! :)
cld111 Premium
Great post! As long as the Internet is around, Internet marketing will never be dead. Yes, it'll change a lot, but that's OK. Everything changes. It has to. It's not a problem. It makes things more fun and interesting!
Jamie Smith Premium
well said as always!

We are at a great time in history where the online culture meets the cell phone culture.