Kudos to WA Fellow Pixote (John)

Last Update: July 26, 2010

Few weeks ago I was asked to write a couple of articles based on a topic that hit very close to home. 

The topic? Bullying!

 I was the victim of bullying for the better part of my schooling and writing about it was very easy for me to say the least.  I wrote those two over 600 word articles like a breeze.

At that time, John had created a very interesting one page site about Cyber-Bullying and the dangers and effects that this dangerous modern day bullying can have on our children.  This site inspired me so much that I decided to create a Squidoo lens about bullying and I included a whole module talking about Cyber- Bullying, which was rather new to me.


By now, John has transformed his one page site to a 30 page website that is looking great, and I was honored to see my articles posted there.  Especially the one where I tell my  story using the pseudo-name Jamie.


One of the reasons I love WA is because of the great connections that we can make with other members, weather strictly professionals or more amicable. 


My association with John, writing these articles for his website inspired me to create a  Squidoo lens where I sell NOTHING but a few books on Amazon. I just did it for the fun (or not so fun). 


If you go check it out, under the module talking about Cyber-Bullying you will find Pixote (John) website.  Hope you take some time out of your day, especially if you have kids and come visit those sites.



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It has been a pleasure working with you on this joint project to get the word out to parents about the dangers of bullying and cyber bullying. Any member of WA who has children who do not realize just how serious this problem is should visit either your lens or my website and read the information provided.

My website started out as a sales pitch and I guess still is for the most part but I am trying to make this one of the most informative websites on the net discussing the problems of bullying and the effects it has on children.

Recent statistics show that a child commits suicide every half hour do to bullying and 9,000 children attempt suicide each year. It is the leading cause of suicides of children.

So if you are a parent of a child, any age child, please check out her Squidoo lens and my site http://www.maxkeylogger.net/ for information on bullying. Do not take this lightly. Bullying KILLS!