My special thanks to you all!

Last Update: August 24, 2010

No, I am not dying or leave WA, but I wanted to thank many of you here at WA.

First of all I wanted to thank all of you who have opted-in to get my tutorial and trusting me enough to want to see what this tutorial was all about and if it could help you in any way.  It is my sincere wish that it will.

I want to give thanks Kyle for giving me the honor a week ago to be a guest blogger on WA official blog by asking me if I would write an article, which I did very willingly. (Thank you Kyle for trusting a French gal to write a post in the language of Shakespeare for your super duper blog).

Thank you to all the people who have commented so far on my post.  All your nice words mean a lot to me and are a real source of encouragement.

I have been with WA for 2 ½ years now, and it’s been great.  When I first got here, I didn’t know if I was going to like it or not, even though it all sounded good, but who knew!  Here I am all these months later and I am hooked and love this place.  I think that Kyle and Carson are on to something … can’t leave this place!

This past week being my birthday week, I have done a lot a meditation and soul searching and I have focused more than ever all on the good and positive things that I have received, and WA came to mind. I feel blessed to be part of such a great community and wanted to share and thank all of you who for bringing more joy into my life.


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reefswimmer Premium
I do love that a significant part of your birthday week has been the meditation and reaching into your soul for awareness of the blessings. Thank you for bringing such beautiful energy into WA.
and ...Happy Birthday !
Diane, reefswimmer
famousplumber Premium
I want to thank you! You have been a positive influence on my WA experiences, and I greatly appreciate that. I feel you are a testament to what happens when someone lets go of their fear and just goes for it! Thank you, as well, for the awesome tutorial!

Larry (famousplumber)
jatdebeaune Premium
I'm very glad you're here Sylviane. You have enriched my experience at WA. Happy to know that you feel blessed too.
Jamie Smith Premium
Congrats on all your success, great to have you in the WA family!