What Are You Focusing On?

Last Update: August 19, 2010

The lens of a camera can focus on one object at the time only.  Because of this when the focus is on the object closest to the camera the background is blurry, if the focus is given to the background the object closest to the camera is blurry (we can observe this in movies all the time).

We are a lot like the lens of a camera.  We can’t really focus on two things equally at the same time.  For this reason it is very important that we, like the camera lens, learn how to focus on one thing at the time. 

What are you focusing on when it comes to your internet business?

In your internet business you should be focusing on what is going to bring you profit.  The rest should be left in the background for now.  What do I mean by that?

You need to focus more on the steps and tasks that will bring lead you to profit and focus less on things that are just distracting you from your tasks for the day.

What could be a distraction online?  Well, pretty much everything! This is why focusing is so important for us.  However, a major distraction could just be what we often call the “shiny things” the product of the year, the revolutionary new stuff out there that’s going to make you rich tomorrow. 

But let say that you’ve managed to get over this. You are not falling anymore for the “shiny things”; what could be another distraction?

Curiously enough, distractions can come from focusing too much on the “numbers”.  Some people are very obsessed by the number of people who are reading their articles, and that is fine, we should watch those numbers, but when it gets to the point that it prevents us from moving forward to write more articles, then this can become a problem.

While you’ve noticed that your article doesn’t have many hits, try to go back to the article and think of what you could do to improve in your next article to attract more reader.

You focus on the numbers should stop right there!

Some basic reasons why you haven’t hit good numbers could be:

·         Your title is not attractive

·         You article is more of sales pitch than it should

·         Your article is weak, don’t offer much value

·         Your resource box is not convincing

·         If you are using a landing page, maybe that page needs some work

·         May be your niche is not really hot right now

Whatever the reason or reasons, at this point your focus should be on trying to improve areas that need improvement and not so much on wondering why people don’t read your articles, but yet keep doing the exact same thing until one day you give up.

Here it’s time to FOCUS on the problem and finding out what would that be, and then FOCUS on the solution once you’ve found it.  If you don’t find it right away, that’s OK, keep looking, keep focusing until you find it.


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jatdebeaune Premium
I have found that writing a very informative article with the keyword in the title does the trick. I used to get all bent out of shape worrying about keyword density. I don't exactly ignore it, but am more focused on quality of information now: getting the message over and writing it as well as possible. This has made a very good difference in readership. Still 1, 2, and 3 on first page of Google. Yeah, I'm like a fish with a lure with shiny things. I have to delete them fast.