What is content farm and what does it mean for you?

Last Update: March 01, 2011

Since last year and especially this past couple of months Google has gone out of its way to rethink the way they were ranking pages on their search engine.

They have been on a mission to get rid of what they call “webspam” or “pure webspam” which is junk that comes as results in their search engine for any given keyword.

Google is now saying that “English-language spam in Google’s results is less than half what it was five years ago, and spam in most other languages is even lower than in English”.

This is good news for browsers, and believe it or not it is also good for us internet marketers.  I don’t know about you, but as an internet marketer I am also (as any marketers should be) an avid searcher and I hate when a top ranking page is pure trash.  Google, of course hates it too and that is why they are fighting this fight which has been a constant fight for them, but they have been pushing even harder in 2010 up to now.

Some people seem to act surprised when Google is tightening up the screws on them, because they have forgotten the VERY PURPUSE of Google which is to deliver the BEST available content for the public’s search.

Google is announcing that that their goal is to naturally index more good content than spam content, but recently they even have gone further trying to fight what is called content farm which is low level content which can also include original content.  They even have mentioned that they are taking action on sites powered by them, but which are violating quality guidelines.

This is very important information for us marketers! If there was ever a time when quality content was ever going to be important it is now.  Good bye short 205 word articles on EzineArticles which were really are giving much information to the reader, good bye the articles empty of real value.  And I believe this has not even happened yet!

Your can read more on the subject right here.


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robert2704 Premium
If I read the blog post at EZA right the other day then the no follow attribute will only be applied to authors who have their account suspended for low quality submissions.
Ezinewriter Premium
Well, autoblogging is content added by robots, so, even though I am not using autoblogging myself I would imagine that it doesn't provide the best content such as Google would love to see. This is why some directories are now rejecting automated content through WP plugins.
Ezinewriter Premium
Hello Joan,

Well, if EZ decided to do no-follow on your link in the resource box it would simply mean that the link would not link back to your site as a backlink. That would be bad news.
jatdebeaune Premium
Good news to people who write quality informative articles. Don't quite understand the no follow mention in the link you provided. Not sure how that affects us.
wandah Premium
Good information on content farms. What are your views on autoblogging?