Millionaire Mindset

Last Update: October 20, 2010

Rich people believe “I create my life”

Poor people believe “Life happens to me”


Rich people play the money game to win

Poor people play the money game to not lose


Rich people are committed to being rich

Poor people want to be rich


Rich people think big

Poor people think small


Rich people focus on opportunities

Poor people focus on obstacles


Rich people admire other rich and successful people

Poor people resent rich and successful people


Rich people associate with positive and successful people

Poor people associate with negative and unsuccessful people


Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value

Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion


Rich people are bigger than their problem

Poor people are smaller than their problem


Rich people are excellent receivers

Poor people are poor receivers


Rich people choose to get paid based on results

Poor people choose to get paid based on time


Rich people think “both”

Poor people think “either or”


Rich people manage their money well

Poor people mis-manage their money


Rich people act in spite of fear

Poor people let fear stop them


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Khairul Anwar Premium
thx for this awesome post man :)